I Have So Many Songs~Roman

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TW: mentions of eating disorders, fainting

"All the songs I never wrote fizzle and remain, all the songs I did not start, all the rhymes I never made, all the stories I delayed in telling, are welling up inside my brain, I should explain." 

I walked into school the next morning. I didn't want to deal with Remy, yelling at me to leave, today was stressing them out enough, I didn't want to stress them out more. So, I walked. The school wasn't exactly within walking distance, but my bike was broken and we weren't on the bus route. So I walked. 

I felt light-headed like I was going to pass out, and my bones seemed to shiver, even though, I wasn't cold, or nervous, my body couldn't help but shake. I could see someone in a black hoodie with a purple backpack walk around the corner their head was hung towards the ground so I couldn't see their face, they were walking fast though, like someone they had to get away from was following them, but they didn't want to seem suspicious. They glanced towards my direction, but I still couldn't see their face, all I could tell was that they began to walk faster after seeing that I had been looking at them. 

When I arrived at school, Patton and Logan were waiting for me at my locker. Patton and Logan were talking about something Patton smiled at something Logan said and kissed him on the cheek. Logan turned bright red, "oh, hi Roman!" Patton said happily, turning his attention away from Logan. Logan looked at me, he appeared to be confused, or maybe that look on his face was concern. I mean, it's weird for Logan to show any emotion on his face at all, so something must be wrong. 

"Roman, are you feeling alright? You look rather sickly, and it is quite," Logan paused, "concerning." He added. The weird thing about Logan is that he won't acknowledge someone's existence unless he has to. For example, he and I have known each other since elementary school, but he didn't actually talk to me until him and Patton got together, and even then, he still acted like he hated me, and now, suddenly he's pretending that he cares about my well-being. 

"Yeah, I feel fine," I told him, ignoring the pounding in my head and the way the world around me has been spinning ever since I woke up. The look in his eyes said he didn't believe me. 

"Right," he said, "I suppose I should begin heading to class, and I would recommend the same for the two of you." He added, "goodbye Roman, goodbye Patton," he said as Patton gave Logan another kiss on the cheek. 

"Bye Logi," Patton said happily, "love you," he added smiling. I could see Logan almost grin. 

"I love you as well Patton," Logan said as he began walking to his class and Patton and I began to walk to our own. 

When Patton and I arrived in the classroom, Virgil was sitting at his desk, he looked rather anxious. Patton began to walk towards him, "hi kiddo," Patton greeted, with his usual happy tone. "So, you know how we have to present today, I was wondering who was gonna present what?" Patton asked, he had mentioned talking to Virgil about this last night after Virgil had left, but I think we both had forgotten about it until Patton saw Virgil. 

"I can't present," Virgil added, quickly. 

"What do you mean you can't present? It's required," I asked, in more of an accusatory tone than I had intended. 

"I mean I can't, the teacher already knows," Virgil responded. 

"Why not?" I asked I could see out of the corner of my eye, Patton began to back away, wanting to avoid conflict. 

"None of your business, you two figure out who does what, leave me out of it," Virgil said in an annoyed tone. I began to open my mouth to argue with him, but Patton grabbed my arm. 

"Let's just go," Patton said, smiling. Regardless of what was happening, Patton was known for being a peacekeeper, not the kind in the hunger games, but just avoids conflict of all types. Even if it's worth fighting for, Patton tries to avoid it. I sighed in defeat as I walked back to my desk with Patton by my side. 

After about twenty minutes of the teacher talking and mediocre presentations, it was mine and Patton's turn. I opened my mouth to begin to present, but no words came out. Instead, the corners of my vision were going black and the world started to spin, and then, everything went dark. 


So sorry for the late update, I just got back from a vacation and haven't had time to write. After this week, I will be going back to weekly updates instead of biweekly. Updates will still be every Saturday. Thank y'all so much for reading. 

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