Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat~Roman

613 45 9

TW: sexual mentions, alcoholism

"Sit down you're rocking the boat" 

I came out of the bedroom at about midnight. I heard Remy and Virgil leave to go wherever it was they were going, probably to a party or something. Then again, Virgil doesn't really seem like a party type of guy. But regardless, I was too busy wallowing in self pity to care. And I do apologize if I was behaving as an idiot in the last entry. I just let my emotions get in the way of the story. 

I sat in the living room for a bit, too uncomfortable in someone else's house to actually do anything. I played loud music from my phone reenacting every song to the best of my abilities until I heard loud laughter. 

"I'm gonna call that motherfucker and tell him Imma chop his dick off," one of the voices said, slurring their words. It was most likely Remy. 

"No, you're just gonna end up pissing him off," the other voice said, it sounded like Virgil's voice. The only difference was he sounded a lot more tired than any other times I heard him. 

The door opened revealing Virgil and Remy. Remy was leaning against Virgil, who just looked really tired and annoyed. Remy's laughter filled the room, they didn't seem to notice me sitting on the couch. "That's the point babe! Maybe then you'll finally leave him if he can't fuck you anymore. That's the only reason you're with him isn't it?" Remy asked Virgil after they laughed turning towards Virgil who turned red and then even darker red upon noticing me. 

"We don't even," Virgil cut himself off. "Remy, come on, you're obviously too drunk to function. Let's get you to bed," Virgil responded turning Remy towards the hall. Remy groaned in response. 

"Come on babsie," Remy groaned. "I'm not drunk," Remy added drawing out the word "drunk." Virgil rolled his eyes. 

"Sure Rem," Virgil lead Remy into his room. After a couple of minutes of what I can only assume was argument about Remy wanting to call Danny about "chopping his dick off" and Virgil wanting to be done with Remy's bullshit, Virgil came back out sighing and grabbing a can of soda. 

Virgil glanced in my direction as he sat down on a chair, "sup." He said shortly before taking out his phone and beginning to scroll through what was most likely Tumblr. 

"Hi," I said awkwardly in response. Usually I was good at making conversation but I wasn't sure what the right thing to say was in the moment. After a moment of silence I spoke again, "thanks for letting us stay here, I know that you kinda hate me but uh," I trailed off not really sure what to say next. 

Virgil nodded nonchalantly in response, not looking up from his phone, "it's called common human decency." 

"Not really. If it was the other way around, I probably would've been annoyed Remy let you stay with us," I admitted. 

Virgil looked up at me momentarily before turning his attention back to his phone, "I doubt that." It was like he was trying to hide his face behind the phone. We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a bit longer. Or maybe it was just uncomfortable because I didn't like the quiet. 

"So uh, were you guys at a party?" I asked looking up at him. Every couple of seconds he would glance at the door, as if he was waiting for someone. It wasn't for another couple of seconds he responded, almost like he just realized I asked him something. 

"Uh yeah, Remy wanted to go, so we went," Virgil responded, he sounded annoyed. But his attention still wasn't on me, it was still on the door. He almost looked like he was about to cry. He stood up typing something into his phone before raising it to his ear to and walking into the hall. 

After about twenty minutes Virgil came back. His face red, like he had been crying. I decided not to ask about it. However, I did decide I hated whoever he was just talking to, even more than I hated Virgil. And my final decision was that he needed a distraction, which is one of the things that I am great at. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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