Four Jews in a Room Bitching~Roman

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Wow, updated early by ten minutes

"Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch bitch all the time."

"Well maybe, you should learn how to shut the hell up so that because of Logan we get a decent grade on this," Virgil said, more mockingly than I tried to sound before. He acts like Logan didn't want to do all the work when Logan volunteered to do it. I'm helping Logan, making his job less insufferable until Virgil decided to be a bitch. 

I hate Virgil and his cute face. 

I hate him, he's a bitch and I hate him. 

No wonder he's with the bitch he is with. They're perfect for each other, so that way they can both be bitches together. I wasn't even doing anything and he still bitches about me being too loud. I was helping Logan and he decides to bitch. That's all he ever does is bitch. 







All the time. 

Well fine, if he wants to be such a bitch then he can go find a different group. I refuse to help a bitch like him. Even if he has the cutest face known to man, he's a bitch and I hate him. I would let him die in a hole if it meant that his adorable face would still be visible. But, regrettably, it wouldn't be, therefore he must live, until I can get Logan to find a way to preserve his adorable face. 

But, alive or dead, he's still a bitch. That's all he is, an adorable bitch. With a hot bitch boyfriend. Now that I think about it, Virgil isn't the cutest person alive, it's still Andrew Rannells. Virgil can fuck off because he's not nearly as cute as he thinks he is. Even if he is adorable he's not that adorable. 

"Excuse me Virgil, but I am helping him. Unlike some people who are just playing on their phones," I said pointing at Virgil's phone, he rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah, describing the entire plot of Guys and Dolls and just how wonderful it was to be on the cast for it is very helpful for a project about pre-calculus. Great job Roman," Virgil said sarcasm in his tone. I could feel myself flinch at the phrase Guys and Dolls. Patton walked out of the kitchen, looking like the concerned dad he is when Guys and Dolls was mentioned. Patton smiled happily like he always does when he's worried about someone. 

"Hey Roman, why don't you help me out with these cookies? I need some extra helping with..." Patton paused trying to think of an actual excuse, "mixing." He added after a second, I smiled and walked out of the room and into the kitchen. 

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