chapter ten- virgil

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i was a half an hour early when i got to patton's house. i knocked on the door, after about thirty seconds the door was opened by roman. his brown hair was perfect as usual, his hazel eyes shined in the warm lighting of the room he was standing in.

"hi!" he squeaked in a high pitched peppy tone with an obviously fake smile on his face.

"h-hi," i heard myself stutter i could feel my cheeks turn hot in embarrassment at the sound of my own stutter. "sorry, i'm early, i just wanted to make sure i was in the right place," i lied staring at the ground.

"it's fine, you'll just have to wait longer for cookies," he said, obviously trying to be funny, and failing. i glanced up towards him for a moment, making eye contact before directing my eyes back towards the ground. "go ahead and come in," he added, i think he was trying to sound welcoming, it wasn't working. i could hear "can you feel the love tonight" from the lion king, which was basically hamlet, just with animals making it kid appropriate. roman closed the door behind me.

it felt like an eternity of the two of us standing in awkward silence when patton walked into the room, he had what looked like flour in his light brown and a wide smile on his face. "hi! i just put the cookies in the oven, so they should be ready soon. roman will keep you company while i make the frosting," he chirped in a peppy tone that made it obvious he was trying desperately hard to sound happy. his eyes suddenly went wide and he looked panicked. "do you have any allergies to anything?" he asked his tone sounded scared, he fidgeted with his hands nervously, i think he's been doing that the entire time. i shrugged.

"not anything food related," i said, glancing up at patton before forcing my eyes back towards the ground. he let out a sigh, most likely relieved.

"okay kiddo," patton said with that same fake cheerful tone, he turned and walked back into the kitchen.

"so," roman started, "what is your name?" he asked in a curious tone.

i've always hated my name. it sounds like a name an old british woman would have. or a name from the dark ages that a princess would call out, hoping for a prince to show up only to find a creepy old guy standing there, staring at her. when danny and i first started dating danny decided to give me the nickname, anxiety. mainly because i was anxious about literally everything. especially around him. he doesn't call me that as much anymore, but i've always liked the sound of it better than virgil.

"most people just call me anxiety," i said examining him, but refusing to make eye contact with him. he looked surprised. he's probably thinking something along the lines of "who the hell names their kid anxiety?" i would probably be thinking the same thing.

instead of engaging in further conversation i sat down in the chair furthest away from him. i opened my phone and started to scroll through tumblr.

patton walked back into the room after a couple of minutes, he asked something but i couldn't hear what so i simply shrugged. i glanced up at roman

"do you need help in the kitchen?" roman asked nearly jumping at the opportunity to leave.

"actually everything is almost d-" patton started but roman cut him off, because he's an asshole.

"of course i'll help you patton!" he exclaimed, i flinched at his sudden shouting. he pushed patton back into the kitchen with him.

he must really hate being around you.

i pulled on my headphones and listened to twenty one pilots. i listened to tyler joseph's voice and josh dun's drumming until roman came back into the room. i reluctantly pulled off my headphones to pretend to pay attention to roman. "are you straight?" he asked me, suddenly.

"why do you ask?" i asked, fidgeting with my hands. the only people i have really come out to were remy and danny. i know i could never come out to my mom, she wasn't homophobic but she didn't agree with the lgbtq+ community and would be disappointed if i had any part of it. anyone else would probably ridicule me about it.

"i'm just curious," he said, "i'm not homophobic or anything. i am very pansexual myself and patton is too," he added quickly.

"i'm bi," i responded in a quiet tone, my eyes not meeting his. he nodded, smiling, almost like he had just won a prize.

"do you want to go out with me?" he asked, my heart nearly stopped, i could feel my face heat up.

"i have a boyfriend," i said looking up at him i could see his face turn bright red as he let out a forced, yet pained laugh.

"oh, that makes sense, sorry," roman said with a pained and very obviously forced smile placed unto face. "who is he?" he asked looking up at me.

"why do you ask?" i ask again smirking at roman.

"i have to know my competition don't i?" roman replied a smirk, i couldn't help but laugh as my face got warmer. roman was the type of person who could make any awkward situation into a joke. i wish i had that talent.

danny had that talent too.

"daniel mendacium," i said smirking at him when suddenly roman's eyes lit up.

"you mean danny? he's one of my sibling's friends! wait do you know my sibling too? remy?" roman asked, acting as though he'd just figured out the secret to life.

"yeah," i responded as his eyes went even wider.

"oh wow, that explains so much," he said, i don't think he meant to say it out loud. "no offense, just that explains a lot of the stories i've heard from remy," he added quickly after realizing that he had said it out loud. i nodded. he looked like he was about to say something else when patton walked into the room holding a tray of cookies.

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