Totally Fucked~Roman

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Happy Pride Month!

"There's a moment you know, you're fucked" 


Anxiety's name was Virgil. 

Virgil the probably not virgin. 

Virgil the probably not virgin is dating Logan's stepbrother. Virgil the probably not virgin is still the cutest thing to ever walk this planet. 

I am so fucked. 

Obviously not literally, because Virgil the probably not virgin is fucking someone else, not me, who hasn't fucked anyone. 

"He has mentioned you on multiple occasions," Logan added, I could see Virgil's face to go from confusion to something more like relief. If Logan's brother has mentioned Virgil that most likely means that they have a good relationship. Dammit. 

I mean, I'm not upset that Virgil is in a good relationship. That just means that they probably won't break up any time soon. Unless Remy was right and Virgil's boyfriend really is an asshole but Virgil isn't the type of guy to dump someone just for being an asshole. I'm tempted to ask Logan what exactly Virgil's boyfriend said but I don't think that's a good idea. At least not right now. 

Virgil cracked a gentle smile, which made him look even cuter than usual. He seemed almost relieved, or maybe he was glad that his boyfriend liked him enough to talk about him. Which really isn't something to be relieved about, he should know that. At least, that much should be obvious when you're with someone. Maybe their relationship isn't that great? Or Virgil is just self-conscious. Or maybe both? Which, regardless of which one it is, if he was with me, I could fix it. 

But, if he does have low self-esteem his actual boyfriend is probably helping him and doing a better job at it than I would be able to. And if he doesn't have that great of a relationship it would most likely get better. 

But it might not. 

But it probably will. They'll end up working things out. They might even end up getting married. Which would be great. For them. And if that did happen, I would be happy for them. Not jealous. 


Maybe I would be just a little bit jealous. 


I would walk into their wedding and confess my undying love for Virgil. And based on the level of asshole Virgil's boyfriend was, he would probably have me be escorted out. Unless Virgil wanted to be with me too, then he wouldn't let his boyfriend do that. 

Instead, he would come to me and tell his boyfriend to fuck off and then kiss me. And it would be the best kiss ever, full of magic and love. And then we would run away together, to a far off kingdom where we would live happily ever after. Without worries, or school, or parents, without everyone and everything else. Just the two of us. Together. Forever. 

"Shouldn't the three of you be working?" Logan asked in an accusatory tone after a while of Logan and Patton talking to each other and Virgil probably texting his boyfriend. 

"You are completely right Logan," I replied before adding to piss him off, "for once in your life. Let's begin." 

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