Boyos and Dollies~ Patton

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Oh wow, a Patton chapter

Special thanks to @ameliawithnolife!

TW: Guys and Dolls, mentions of eating disorders, mentions of abuse, intentional grammatical errors, suicide

Hi kiddos! It's Patton, I hope everyones day is going good. Before you read the rest of this, can everyone just check the time and make sure it's not past ten at night where you are, and if it is, go to bed, you all need to sleep, also, if you're hungry, make sure to eat something, because its not good to go without food in your tummy, oh yeah, and if you're thirsty, make sure to get some water, or juice, or maybe some soda if you want, just maybe not anything with caffeine, because that makes you more thirsty and you won't be able to sleep. And that won't be good because you need to sleep, and you need to not be thirsty, it's bad for you. 

Have any of you guys noticed that Romans been acting kinda weird lately? I mean you all have known him a lot less long than me but still. Ever since Nathan and him broke up, he's been super sad. Wait, I don't think you guys know what happened with Roman and Nathan. 

So last summer there was casting for Guys and Dolls at one of the community theatre places, I don't remember which one it was though. And Roman wanted to audition because he auditions for all of the musicals at that community theatre place. At the audition Roman met a boy and his name was Nathan, the problem was that Roman thought that Nathan was cute, and when that happens Roman does whatever he can to make sure he goes on at least one date with that person, at least usually, he hasn't done that yet with Virgil though which is also weird, because Roman usually still tries to get them on a date regardless of whether or not they have a significant other because that's just the way Roman is. 

Anyways, sorry I got distracted, at the audition Roman ended up getting Nathans number and then talking about how he got Nathans number for the rest of the night and had me help him plan out what their first date would be like and what their wedding would be like and what there kids would be named. 

A couple of days later Roman and Nathan went on there first date together. And when Roman got back he wouldn't stop talking about how amazing it was and how he couldn't wait to see Nathan again and Roman seemed really happy. Especially after he found out that both him and Nathan got into Guys and Dolls. After that, they started spending most of there time together and they both were really happy. At least, Roman didn't mention any fights, even if they did happen, it wasn't that often or maybe they just weren't that bad, I don't know. 

After Guys and Dolls ended Roman and Nathan were still together. Logi and I even went on dates with them a few times. It wasn't until the beginning of July that things started to get bad. Roman started acting kinda like he's acting now, but he seemed less lonely and he was still eating, or at least around me he was. One day Nathan called me, he sounded worried. 

"Hey Patton, your like Romans best friend right?" Nathan asked he sounded panicked and really scared. 

"Yeah, I guess," I responded, "what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I asked I could feel my hand shake with worry. 

"So he tells you stuff that's going on with him and his family, right?" Nathan asked, nervously. I thought about it for a moment. I mean, he always tells a lot of stories about Remy and stuff, and I know that his mom died when he was little, and I've met Roman's dad and his dad seems okay, but Roman doesn't talk about him much. 

"I guess," I said, "what's going on Nathan?" 

"Like if his Dad was hurting him, he would tell you, right?" Nathan asked, I stood up and went to get my coat. 

"Are you at his house now?" I asked, walking out of my room, and to my sister's room, I put the phone down, "hey kiddo, I'm gonna be right back, make sure to keep an eye on Stacy and Claire, okay?" Sarah nodded as I walked back out of the room and out the door. 

"No, I was earlier though and Roman kept on saying I had to leave, and I could hear shouting from one of the other rooms, and it looked like he was getting a black eye, but every time I asked about it he said not to worry about it or that he would tell me about it later. Do you know if his Dad would do something like that?" Nathan asked, obviously worried, I sighed as I stepped outside. 

I really shouldn't talk about that day anymore, if Roman wants to tell you guys about that stuff he will. But my point is that Nathan was a good boyfriend, and I don't think it was his fault that Roman started acting weird. But, when a couple of weeks later, Nathan committed suicide, I think that it was really hard on Roman and just after that school started and then Roman just suddenly stopped eating. And, it's really worrying because Roman has always been really happy seeming and yeah, he has his days where he doesn't feel the best but he's never been this negative, and I just really hope he's okay. 

Could all of you do me a favor? 

Keep an eye on Roman for me. You're with him a lot more than I am, you can make sure he doesn't get himself too hurt. 

Thanks kiddos, it really means a lot!

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