Chapter Seventeen- Logan

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A Logan chapter? Wow. 

TW: abuse, homophobia

I recall the first time Daniel mentioned having a boyfriend was on April twenty-third of the previous school year. But, the mention was a mere mention and nothing more, he simply said it to cause his father to be angered. His father was picking him up from my mother's house and he told his father about his new boyfriend. To which he got smacked and was told to break up with his boyfriend. Of course, Daniel's mother told Daniel's father not to touch Daniel like that. Which as would be expected triggered an argument between the two of them that required my father to get involved simply to ensure that Daniel's father not to hit Daniel's mother. 

The second time Daniel mentioned his boyfriend was on May fourteenth of the previous school year. He came home earlier than he usually would, at approximately nine-thirty am if I recall correctly, seemingly dazed, but it was also the happiest I had ever seen him. He walked in grinning, "I love my boyfriend," he said, I believe he thought the phrase was quieter than it was. 

"Why do you say that?" I asked him, turning my attention towards him, he didn't seem to hear me, and the information wasn't useful enough to ask again so I ignored him and returned to my book as he walked cheerfully to his room. 

The third time Daniel mentioned his boyfriend it wasn't nearly as conveniently timed. It was at 4:39 am of June first of the previous school year, the Sunday before the ending of the previous school year. I was awoken to the sound of him slamming the door shut behind him. I walked out of my living quarters and down the hallway to where the entrance of the house was, out of sheer curiosity, and wanting to ensure that it was not a serial killer. Daniel stood in the doorway, his face rather red and his cheeks wet. He muttered something rather obsessively, what I could not hear. He turned his attention towards me as his eyes widened, at that moment he realized I was standing in front of him. He wiped his cheeks in hopes to get rid of any moisture that could be possibly visible, "what are you looking at?" He asked in an accusatory tone. 

"Why were you crying?" I asked him, to which he rolled his eyes. 

"None of your fucking business," he replied. 

"You slammed the door which caused me to awaken, therefore it is my business what has caused you to be emotionally charged enough to slam said door loud enough to awaken me," I replied to him. 

"I just got done dealing with my smartass boyfriend, I'd rather not have to deal with my smartass brother either. So fuck off," Daniel replied venom lacing in his tone. This is the moment when I most likely should have left and gone back to bed. But, sleep deprivation causes irrational thinking. 

"I could possibly assist you, usually the discussion of previous events helps process through emotions," I informed Daniel, he scowled in response. 

"I said fuck off!" He shouted, louder than he most likely should have, I could hear my father step out of his bedroom being awakened by the noise. But, it was too late, he shoved me into the door, causing me to lose my balance before losing consciousness. 

On July twenty-first of the most recently passed summer, I was sitting in the living room, reading a book titled A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking, when Daniel walked into the house, he looked horrified. "I... I didn't mean too," he said in a quiet tone. 

"Do did not intend to do what?" I asked walking towards him, to which he shook his head. 

"You wouldn't understand, forget it," he said as he turned to walk to his living quarters. I'm not sure why I tend to be so insistent to get information out of him, I believe it is what little concern I have for him, but even so, it shouldn't get in the way of the fact that he obviously wanted to be left alone, to his own thoughts. 

"Regardless of my level of understanding, it may assist to discuss the events that have triggered your negative emotions," I told him, to which he sighed. 

"My boyfriend, Virgil, and I got into another  fight," Daniel started, "I know he's right, I just," Daniel trailed off for a moment before speaking once more, "I didn't mean to hurt him, I didn't mean to even touch him, I don't know what happened, I just," Daniel's voice broke as he trailed off once more. "I don't know," Daniel said before walking away and to his living quarters, I no longer attempted to receive further information. 

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