Stupid With Love ~Roman

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"Thank you math, cause now you've brought me this cute boy."  

Patton and I ended up walking home together so that I could help Patton with the cookies.  After about half an hour, the other person in our group showed up, looking panicked. His eyes were wide and his arms were shaking his sides, he had a mark on his face, that looked like it was from being slapped, he looked like he was about to start crying. "Hi," I greeted him at the door with a forced smile planted on my face. 

"H-hi..." he stuttered in a quiet tone, his stutter was the cutest thing ever, "sorry, I'm early, I just wanted to make sure I was at the right place." He said his eyes staring at the ground. 

"It's fine, you'll just have to wait longer for the cookies." I said in a joking tone, he glanced up at me for a moment before forcing his eyes back to the ground, "go ahead and come in." I add smiling forcing a gentle smile as he walks through the door. There was disney music playing in the background and after about ten minutes of the two of us sitting in silence, Patton came in from the kitchen with flour in his hair and a smile on his face. 

"Hi! I just put the cookies into the oven so they should be ready soon. Roman will keep you company while I make the frosting," Patton said to the other person in a cheerful tone and then he suddenly looked extremely nervous. "Do you have any allergies to anything?" He asked quickly in a scared tone, the boy shrugged. 

"Not really anything food related," he said looking up at Patton, it was the first time he made actual eye contact with anyone since he got here. Patton heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Okay kiddo," Patton said in a cheerful tone as he walked back into the kitchen. The darkly dressed boy looked like he was about to about to say something but instead stared at the ground once more.

"So... what is your name?" I asked as he glanced up at me for a second. 

"Most people just call me Anxiety..." he said not making full eye contact with me but still looking at me. I looked slightly surprised, who would call themselves anxiety? It's not a very pleasant nickname, it's not like it highlights a nice trait about him. If anything it just shows that he is very anxious, which would explain a lot of the way he acts. 

Anxiety sat down in the chair directly across from me, most likely trying to avoid human contact. His dark hair brushed over his brown eyes as he pulled out his phone and started looking through something. I could see the way the oversized sweater shirt hung from his chest and the sleeves covered his hands.

He was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

After about ten minutes of me staring at the most adorable thing mankind has ever seen Patton walked back into the room, smiling brightly. "How's it going kiddos?" He asked looking towards Anxiety who shrugged, obviously not willing to speak.

"Do you need help in the kitchen Patton?" I asked looking away from Anxiety for the first time in the past ten minutes.

"Actually everything is almost do-" Patton started before I cut him off.

"Of course I'll help you Patton!" I shouted quickly dragging Patton back into the kitchen. "I need your help." I whispered urgently. Patton looked at me with a mixture of confusion and concern placed on his face. "My gay is being triggered," I whispered.

"Isn't your gay always triggered?" Patton asked in a confused tone.

"More than usual, because of the Anxiety guy," I whispered wide eyed. "He's flipping adorable," I say in a frustrated tone.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Patton asked even more confused.

"Because I don't know him! He's barely said ten words!" I whisper shouted.

"Wouldn't it be like love at first sight then? Just like in all of the Disney movies," Patton said in a quiet tone smiling, his usual innocent smile. I gave this consideration for a moment.

"Do you think I should ask him out?" I asked as the timer for the cookies rang.

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