chapter seven- virgil

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TW: mentions of past abuse 

"i didn't throw it," i said sarcastically and walked out of the first-hour classroom leaving roman prince looking torn between being happy or getting ready to fight me. 

the next three hours weren't that eventful. not until lunch. the part of school that is usually pretty divided on opinions. some people love it because it's just an entire hour to socialize, other people, like me, hate it because it's a room filled with an entire school of kids. having friends makes it better, but then you actually have to talk with them instead of being by yourself avoiding any and all chances of actually being a normal human being and talking with people. 

as i walked to lunch i was greeted by remy. "hey!" they greeted walking towards me, "on a scale of one to brendon urie dying how hellish has your day been so far?" 

"july 6th 2017," i say as we walk into the cafeteria. i keep my eyes glued to the ground to avoid the risk of either eye contact with the wrong person or remembering how many people are actually in this school. 

"that's rough," remy said, "mine has been about a starbucks is out of pumpkin spice in the middle of october and the only place you can get it is four hours away." 

"you still won't let go of that will you?" i asked glancing up at them but then forcing my gaze to return to the ground. 

"running out of pumpkin spice in october in criminal, how else am i supposed to get my seasonal depression in without the pumpkin spice? they were out for a fucking week! that is not okay on any level and you know it." remy said in an offended tone as we sat down at an empty table. 

"hello," a voice behind us said. i turned around to see danny. 

"i thought you weren't coming back before lunch," i said as he sat down next to me as he shrugged and grabbed my hand. 

"i missed you," he said smiling at me causing my face to heat up. remy pretended to gag. 

"you both are disgusting," remy said rolling his eyes as he turned to his vegan lunch. danny and i both placed our bets on how long remy would stay vegan, i said a month, danny said a day. so far remy lasted a week, so danny already owed me twenty dollars. danny rolled his eyes at remy. 

"so after school do want to come over to my house?" danny asked turning his attention back towards me, ignoring remy. "we could watch some movies and blast mcr," he said grinning.

"i can't," i said as danny gives me a look that tells me that i really should not have said that. "i have to work on a project for my first hour," i explained, danny looked like he was about to start screaming at me when remy cut him off. 

"what project is it?" remy asked, obviously trying to prevent from something bad happening. 

"we have to create a presentation in groups of three talking about the basics of precalc," i said unenthusiastically, remy nodded and as danny opened his mouth to say something once more remy cut him off once again. 

"who are the lucky people in your group?" remy asked their tone dripping with sarcasm while i was mentally praising the non-existent god for him. 

"some guy named patton and the famous roman prince," i said giving the same amount of sarcasm in my tone. remy looked surprised. 

"you got my asshole of a brother in your group?" remy said looking like they were about to burst into laughter. i nodded as he shook his head in empathy, "i wish you luck." remy said finally, glancing at danny who looked at least slightly calmed down.

"why can't you just skip it virge? wouldn't you rather spend time with your boyfriend than with remy's asshole brother and his friend?" danny said obviously trying to stay calm. i knew he got upset about this stuff easily, it was mainly because as a kid he was ignored constantly, and when he was given attention, it was to scream at him or to beat him. i knew that whatever reason i gave would only upset him further but i knew that he would be more upset if i didn't reply.

"you know that i want to, but i also promised them that i would be there. how about after i'll call you and we can hang out?" i said trying to sound cheerful as he sighed but still looked upset. we sat in awkward silence for a couple of moments before danny spoke. 

"fine," he said in a defeated tone to which remy let out a sigh of relief. 

"i swear to god you both need to get your shit together." remy said rolling their eyes as they took a bite of their lunch. 

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