chapter twelve- virgil

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we spent ten minutes actually working on the project. 


ten fucking minutes. 

ten minutes until roman started to scream quite literally at the top of his lungs something about being filled with calculust. i don't know what that is but whatever it is i am legitimately scared. whatever it meant, it made patton laugh. which made roman continue to scream at the top of his lungs. 

eleven minutes until my hands wouldn't stop shaking and my arms began to ache. 

 roman shouted some song that i think was from the mean girls musical, i mean it's not like i listen to that stuff, i just know it. regardless of what it was or where it was from, it was annoying. i opened tumblr on my phone as roman and patton chattered about some guy named logan.  "what about you anxiety?" roman asked as i looked up from tumblr. 

"what?" i asked, i wasn't sure what they were talking about, because the brendon urie memes on tumblr were more important at the time. 

"what about your boyfriend anxiety, what is he like?" roman asked me curiosity showing in his hazel eyes. 

"um," i started, i wasn't really sure what to say. danny was just danny. he had his own personality. there wasn't really a good way to describe his personality to people who didn't know him personally. "he's smart," i said, roman nodded, and patton just continued to smile, looking as though he was oblivious to the rest of the world. i shifted uncomfortably. the air suddenly felt stiff and hard to breathe in. i could feel both roman and patton's eyes on me, they probably were realizing how much of a freak i am. 

"so is patton's boyfriend. logan is known for being like the smartest person in our grade," roman said, patton nodded in agreement. 

"yeah, he's super smart," patton said smiling, he was probably thinking about logan. 

roman and patton continued to talk about random topics. i went back on tumblr scrolling through the many pictures of tyler joseph and the mcr theories. at 4:53 danny texted me. 

danny: hi 

me: hi 

danny: sorry for yellinf b4 

danny: yelling* 

me: it's fine

danny: do u still wanna hang out after

me: sure 

danny: k

me: love you 

danny didn't respond. 

after about twenty more minutes roman and patton decided to go on an adventure.

i am 99 percent sure they are both clinically insane. 

"do you wanna with us to get some ice cream anxiety?" patton asked his eyes wide with excitement. 

"um, i thought we were here to work on the project," i replied roman rolled his eyes. 

"it's not due for another week, we'll be fine," roman replied. "let's go see if logan will join us!" he exclaimed full of excitement, he and patton both shot up. i rolled my eyes as they ran out the door excitedly. i wasn't sure if i was supposed to follow them or if i was supposed to stay here. or maybe they wanted some way to get me to leave. maybe running off to hunt a dragon witch was that way. it was most likely the last way. maybe they wanted me to stay. but if they weren't going to work on the project then what was the point of staying? 

i stood up and walked out the door as i took out my phone to text danny. 

me: where are we meeting? 

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