Meet the Plastics~Roman

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"Like they mocked Jen Morecock until she burst into flames." 

My first hour is taught by Ms. Morecock, who had already made a Mean Girls reference without realizing claiming that she had been mocked for her name by many other students and didn't need more students to mock her too. I was tempted to raise my hand and ask if she'll burst into flames if she got mocked too often, but then decided against it and instead whispered it to Patton loud enough for the people around me to hear. Some looked confused while others tried not to laugh and Patton scolded me for making fun of her. I smirked and turned my attention back to Ms. Morecock who was introducing the thing we would do next. We had to go around the room and say our names and one thing we liked. She called for volunteers to which we all sat in silence until I stood up. "I volunteer as tribute!" I said in a dramatic tone raising my hand. 

Morecock nodded as I grinned confidently, "my name is Roman Prince and I love disney movies!" I said making sure my voice was loud enough for the class to hear. I sat back down next to Patton who looked nervous, he didn't like speaking in front of lots of people, as much as he liked to talk to people he didn't like public speaking. I gave him a reassuring smile as he stood up. 

"Hi! My name is Patton Moore and I like cats!" He said in a cheerful tone pulling the hood up on the cat hoodie that Logan gave him. He sat back down next to me and sighed. The next person to go was a girl named Heather. 

"Hi, my name is Heather Daniels and I like the book Moby Dick," she said and was about to add something else until she was cut off by the girl next to her. 

"Hello, my name is Heather Charles and I like corn nuts." She said adding a smirk at the end of her sentence before sitting back down. 

"Shut up heather!" I whisper-shouted to Patton while someone next to me was singing the heathers part in Beautiful. I applauded them quietly while the other people continued to go. Once we had gotten through the rest of the class we were given our first assignment. We had to create a presentation about the basics of what we learned last year with groups of three. It seemed easy enough. Except Patton and I needed a third person. Everyone seemed to automatically form into groups once we were allowed to choose. There was only one other person left who looked panicked. Patton was the first to approach him. 

"Hi! My name is Patton and this is my friend Roman. We were wondering if you wanted to be a part of our group?"  Patton asked in a friendly tone smiling. 

"I don't really have much of a choice anyway so sure," he said in a tone that said he couldn't care less. The boy had black hair and big brown eyes, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and a My Chemical Romance shirt under it. I had to admit, he was pretty damn adorable. Patton smiled, looking relieved. 

"Since she said that we'll have to do this at home do you guys want to meet me at the library after school around four?" Patton offered, "or I could give you my address and then I can bake you both cookies?" The boy shrugged, and Patton turned to me, "Roman?" 

"Sure," I said smiling with a slight bit of confidence. Patton handed the boy a piece of paper and wrote down his address on it as I looked at the boy. "I didn't catch your name?" I asked as the bell rang and he stood up. 

"I didn't throw it," the boy said before walking out of the classroom. 

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