chapter eight- virgil

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Oh wow, two Virgil chapters in a row

TW: abuse, mentions of homophobia, suicidal thoughts

danny is a good person. i swear, some of his actions may not say that he is, but he is. he just has some anger issues and because of said anger issues, he lashes out. but, that doesn't make him a bad person, that just makes him a person, with flaws. the first day of our senior just happened to be one of those times.

i walked out of the doors to the school, somehow still alive after the first day of school. i had an hour before i had to meet with patton and roman, so i decided to try and find danny. he was walking out of the door as i was about to get out my phone and call him. i rushed over to him, trying to avoid as many people as possible before standing in front of danny. i forced a small smile, "hi," i said as he looked over towards me, seemingly surprised.

"i thought you had that group project with remy's brother," he said not making eye contact with me, he was obviously still mad about that.

"i have an hour before i have to go over there, do you want to hang out for a little bit?" i asked danny glanced at me, a scowl placed on his face.

"only because it's convenient for you," he said in a sarcastic tone. i glanced down, guilt filling my stomach. it was my fault he was upset, i should've just told roman and patton that i couldn't do tonight. but then they'd both hate me. why do i care what they think of me?

i don't.

yes, i do.


danny and i walked to my house, our fingers intertwined, but in a tense silence. the quiet was so tense it was violent. my house was further away from the school than danny's house was, but his dad was home. danny and his dad didn't get along. danny had said that if it wasn't for his mom, danny wouldn't be allowed in his house, not since he came out to his parents at least. it was a couple of months after danny and i started dating when he came out to them. he had a couple of other boyfriends before that, but none of those relationships lasted very long. he told me that i was his longest relationship he's ever had. danny told his mom first, mainly because he knew she'd be more accepting than his dad was. he said that she was surprised at first and then hugged him so tight that he couldn't breathe. after, danny sat down with his dad and told him. before danny could finish the word gay his dad started screaming. danny tried to calm him down, but then his dad slapped him across the face. danny got up and ran, he wasn't sure where he was running until he called me. he ended up spending the next month at my house with my mom and me until he got a call from his mom begging him to come home, the next day he left my house. but ever since he's come over to my house a lot more often, and hasn't allowed me at his house.

we walked inside my house, he was the first one to speak, he usually is.  "you know what sucks?" he didn't wait for me to respond, he never did. "when you try to spend time with your boyfriend and yet every single time he blows you off, when he doesn't have time for you, when he ignores you for an entire day and then randomly decides that he wants to spend time with you." danny said in a hurt tone, glaring at me, my eyes refused to meet his. i could feel my hands shaking at my sides. 

he hates you.

"it fucking sucks that even though you know that he knows you want to hang out with him, he still makes plans with other people who are obviously more important to him." danny said his voice getting louder, as i felt myself take a step backward, he took a step forward. danny's entire body was shaking, his face was red, and his eyes were watery. 

he's going to break up with you.

"i-i didn't mean to," i stammered, as i realized that my entire body was shaking, danny scoffed.

he wishes you were dead. 

"you didn't fucking mean to make plans with other people? you didn't mean to hurt me? you didn't mean to ignore me? because all of those things sound pretty damn hard to do accidentally." danny shouted, his voice getting louder with each word. he stepped closer towards me, i backed into the wall. 

you don't deserve to live. 

"i-i'm sorry," i said in a whispered in a tone that was hardly able to be heard, dan rolled his eyes. 

kill yourself.

"too late virgil. it doesn't change the fact that you are still too busy for me," daniel yelled stepping closer to me, his hands were clenched into fists. 

nobody would care if you were dead.

"you might as well leave now virgil, seeing as you're too busy for me anyway," he shouted, there were tears on his face. 

he doesn't want you around.

"i thought-" i started but was cut off by him slapping me across the face. 

"i said leave virgil." he said glaring at me, his voice low and full of venom. i nodded and walked out of the door. 

danny is a good person, i swear.  he just doesn't act like one sometimes. 

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