Part Three.

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Chloe's POV

"I don't care," I groaned. "I'm getting a beanie, guys. And a skateboard."

"You have no fashion sense." Zoe sighed.

"Yeah, but I'd rather wear loose baggy clothes than tight dresses." I cringed.

"I think that the clothes Chloe wears are cool." Monica smiled. Zoe rolled her eyes and I gasped.

"Thanks, Mo." I smiled.

"Oh my God." Niomi groaned, covering her head. Right at that moment, it started to rain.

We all screamed and headed toward the first building we could see, which was Pizza Hut.

"Hello, Welcome to Pizza Hut. My name is Logan and I'll be your  servant for today. Is it just you five?"

"Yeah." I nodded. He chuckled and brought us to a table.

"Anything to drink?" He asked.

"Coke." We all mumbled, making Logan giggle.

"Okay, do you guys want a salad or wings or breadsticks?"

After Zoe explaining that she wanted mild wings, Logan left and we all started to talk.

"Oh my God, he's hot." I snorted.

"Um, hello? What about Jack?" Monica said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, yeah. I was talking about him." I lied.

"Okay, can I say something?" Monica said.

We all nodded and Monica sighed.

"I just want to say sorry for being a bitch all of you. Chloe, I'm sorry for calling your beautiful sister retarted. Zoe, I'm sorry for setting out your laptop at Jim's house when he was vlogging to expose Zalfie. Niomi, I'm sorry for not shaking your hand. And Tanya, I'm sorry that I put super glue in one of your make up things you made." Monica sighed. "I'm going try and be a nice person from now on."

Damn now I'm really gonna be sorry for stealing Joe away from her.

No, stop it conseince. I'm not mean like that.

"Wait, you did what to my computer?" Zoe yelped.

"And what to my make up?" Tanya screamed.

Everyone at the table started to bicker and argue and I tried to tell them to stop because of the people staring.

I know I'm going to regret yelling what I'm about to yell but out will get everyone to stop arguing.

"I love Joe!" I screamed.

hayyy <3

this chapter is a short filler soz

Chloe [Joe Sugg]Where stories live. Discover now