Part Seventy-Three

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"Gross!" I gagged.

"What?" Alfie laughed. "Joe can randomly tell me that you guys had sex but I can't say that Zoe and I had fun playing Cards Against Humanity with Felix and Marzia?"

"Oh." I giggled. "I thought you meant-"

"Sex?" Alfie cackled. "We did that, too."

"That's nice." Joe grumbled sarcastically.

"So how were everyone's days?" I asked.

"Good. I got a lot of stuff for Miranda and a lot of stuff for me." Colleen laughed.

"Joey was asking for you." Zoe spoke up, looking at me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"What was he saying?"

"He was like "Where's Chloe?" Even though he was right there when you passed out."

I nodded and looked down.

"Hello everyone!" Connor asked, walking in the room.

"Hey." Troye smiled, getting up to kiss him.

"Chloe." Connor nodded to me, making me wave.


"Just talk to each other!" Troye snapped pushing Connor towards me.

"No." Connor spat. "I don't like her."

"Well dido to you then!" I screamed.

"Guys." Troye sighed.

"You fucking cheated on Joe!" Connor yelled.

"No, it's alright Connor. It's sorted out." Joe smiled.

"No." Connor snapped. "She still cheated on you."

"I was drunk! And so were you!"

"Yeah, but I didn't do anything bad! I hooked up with the guy I've had a crush on since I don't know when. That's a good thing. I didn't chea on anybody."

"Oh my-" Troye groaned. "Connor, babe, please get over it. We all forgave Chloe and I think you should, too... I love you and I don't want two of my friends fighting some idiot move that one of them did."

Connor sighed and looked at me before rolling his eyes. "Fine. But only for you. Not for her."

"No." I shook my head.

"Chloe." Troye groaned.

"No!" I screamed. "I'm not going to accept his apology if he doesn't fucking mean it. I'm done." I shook my head before walking out of the room.

Joe's POV

"See what you did, asshole?" Troye asked.

"Guys, it's not his fault." Alfie sighed. "Chloe can always be a bit over dramatic."

"Like how you were when Caspar kissed Zoe?" Connor asked.

"That happened before Alfie and I dated, though." Zoe explained.

"Alfie was still hurt by it." Connor sighed.

"You were?" Caspar asked. "Sorry."

"Just go apologize." Alfie huffed.

"Why? I didn't do anything. She's the one who ran off."

"Please, Con." I groaned softly.

Connor looked at me and sighed before nodding.

"Okay." He smiled softly.

Chloe's POV

-Thirty Minutes Later-

One for my dad; he didn't get to see his son being born or his daughter die.

One for my mom; she loves me but all those times she's been at work when I call her just seems to tick me off.

One for Jude; God, I miss her. Why did she have to go? At least I'll be able to be with her.

Three for Nash; why would he be so butthurt that he had to sneak into VidCon last year and shoot me. That was just pathetic. He lost his career because of that.

One for Joe; he loves me but I don't want him seeing me like this. I cheated on him and he deserves someone better than me.

One for Monica; that bitch deserves to die with me but I'm finally giving her the pleasure of me not being around.

One for Connor; he doesn't like me right now and I can't really blame him. I slept with Alfie and I did cheat on Joe.

One for Alfie; this man is really good to me but I slept with him, so I think the only way Joe could forgive him is if I do this.

And two for everyone else; whether they hate me, love me, like me, or don't know me, they'll be surprised when they find me like this.

I held the twelve pills into my hand and added two more, just in case twelve didn't do what I wanted. I sighed and took the cup of water in my other hand as I sat on the public toilet.

I'm currently in a family restroom at Wal-Mart. My phone had tons of messages and missed calls but I honestly don't care.

I sighed and thre each pill in my mouth, two by two.

I took two pills, then swallowed. Another two pills and swallowed. I did that until all the pills were gone from my hand and my vision started to get blurry.

I wanted my last thought to be Joe, so I tried my best to think about him all I could, but my mind always seemed to go back to Melanie for some reason.

My whole body started to feel heavy so I fell off of the toilet and onto the floor.

My eyes also started to feel heavy so I closed them and took a deep breath.

I thought about that time Joe and I first kissed before I felt my heart beat slowing and my breathing slowing as I took one last breath before everything went black.


Hi. Um... This story is almost done.


But yeah.

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