Part Twenty-Nine

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"Hi Chloe." Jude waved at me as I walked in with Joe.

"Hey Jude." I smiled at her.

"What are y-you doin' here?" Jude asked.

"I just came to see you that's all. Have mum and Greg come by yet?" I asked, sitting at the edge.

"Y-yeah, they did! Greg showed me this song where the girl says she's fancy!" Jude giggled.

"Oh, stop it, Jude. I don't need you to be corrupted by that kind of music." I laughed.

"W-who's this?" Jude asked.

"This is my boyfriend Joe." I told her.

"Hi Jude." Joe smiled at her, shaking her hand.

"H-Hi Joe!" Jude screamed.

Joe laughed and sat on the chair by the window.

"Do you wanna read the usual?" I asked, grabbing the book.

"No, c-can you read me T-The Hunger Games?"

"Um, that's a big book, Jude."

"Oh, that's okay." Jude looked down.

"Jude, you know I can't read that good."

"Is that why you dropped out of high school?" Jude asked.

"Um," I looked at Joe and he was staring straight back at me. "Yes, but-"

"I'll read it to her." Joe interrupted.

"Are you sure?" I asked, making him nod.

"Okay." I smiled.



"Yeah, I'm just getting coffee for Joe and my sister. How have you been? I haven't see you in like forever." I laughed.

"Oh, I've been just fine. Have you and Joe kissed yet?" He asked through the phone.

"Yeah, we're going out, too." I giggled.

"Yay! I knew it would happen!" He screamed.

"Thanks, Ni."

"So, I haven't seen any albums by your band on iTunes yet. What happened?"

"Well, I don't know actually. We haven't gone to a meeting in forever and I think we were dropped." I giggled. "And I think Troye moved to Los Angeles with Connor -even though he was moving in with Alfie- because they're fucking, I think. And-"

"Chloe, Chloe. Take a breath." Niall giggled.

"So has being off felt so far?"

"Cool, I guess. We go back on tour mext month." Niall said.

"I've never felt like it would to come home from a stressful day at work. I've never worked before."

"Really? At all?"

"Nope. I don't have the credits for it. I mean, a waitress I can do... but I want to teach."

"Don't you have-"

"Yes, I do."

"And isn't that why you dropped out of-"

"Yes, yes it was." I groaned.

"Oh, Chloe, there's someone I want you to talk to."

"Oh please don't make it be Harry. I swear if it's Harry-"

"Hello, love!" I heard a voice that wasn't Niall's come from the holes at the top of the phone.

"H-Harry." I gasped.

"You guessed it, hun." Harry said.

"Oh my God. I'm gonna kill Niall."

"Okay, well management is here, bye Chloe!"

"Bye." I said.

The line went dead and I sighed but put the phone back in my bag and walked to the hospital.



"And then what happened?" Joe asked.

"Then she fell of the counter!" Jude laughed. A smile formed as I heard her laugh.

"What's going on here?"

"Oh, she got bored with The Hunger Games so she told me stories of your childhood. You dressed up as the tooth fairy for Halloween and you climbed on the counter to get your candy and you fell!" Joe laughed.

"Shut up, Joe." I laughed.

Chloe [Joe Sugg]Where stories live. Discover now