Part Four.

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I put the ice over the burning sensation on my cheek and grumbled.

"I can't believe she did that." Zoe sighed, wiping it.

"Yeah, well, you can't blame her." I sighed. "I just yelled that I'm in love with her boyfriend."

"Yeah but she could've just walked off not slap you." Zoe screamed.

"What would you do Niomi yelled that she loved Alfie?" I asked.

"I would've slapped her. But not because she's in love with Alfie, but because she's supposed to love Marcus."

"Okay, I think I'm okay. I wanna go eat." I groaned.

We walked out of the bathroom and saw Niomi and Tanya sitting at the booth, no sign of Monica.

"She left?" I sighed.

"Yeah." Tanya nodded.

"But the pizza came!" Niomi smiled, trying to light up the mood.

"Along with that guys number," Tanya sighed.

"Who's it for?" I smiled, thinking it was for me.

"Zoe." Tanya frowned.

My mouth made a little 'O' shape and I sat down, looking at my lap.

"Do you guys wanna hear a joke?" I said, after a brief moment of silence.

"Sure." Zoe shrugged, sitting down next me.

"How many tickles does take to make an octopus laugh?" I asked.

"Eight?" Zoe asked, biting her pizza.

"Nope. Ten-Tickles." I snorted.

All of their faces were flat before they all looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

"That was... something." Zoe laughed.

I frowned and shrunk down in my seat before taking the last bite of the last pizza.

Two hours later, the rain stopped so we decided to head back to the hotel.

Everyone was crowded around Joe who was crying his eyes out.

This can't be good.

Zoe, Tanya, and Niomi rushed to his side and I pursed my lips.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Monica just broke up with him. He hasn't done anything but cried." Jack whispered, walking up behind me and grabbing my hand.

"W-What?!" I cried, getting out of Jack's grip and running to Joe.

"Joe..." I pouted.

"Ch-Chum-Chummy." Joe said in between sniffles, hugging me.

Everyone looked at each other surprised but then smiled.

"That's the first thing Joe said since Monica broke up with him." Marcus said, giving me a thumbs up.

I saw Jack shift awkwardly before walking out the door. I shrugged it off and turned my attention back to Joe.

"Are you okay, Chummy?" I asked, rubbing Joe's back.

Joe nodded before wiping his tears and getting up.

"Okay, I'm going to an impromptu meet up at the convention center. You guys wanna come?" Joe sniffed.

"Me." Caspar and I said in unison. Joe nodded before walking out, Caspar and I following.

When we got outside Joe gasped and tried to cover my eyes but I saw what was going on first.

Jack and Monica were making out.


lol don't ask me why I have to make jack the bad guy in every youtube fanfic I make lololololololol

I listened to anaconda for the first time earlier... wow

i want 5sos and 1d in this story tbh


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