Chapter 01:: I need a break

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"But daarji, please?" I pleaded for the hundredth time, "Dad already said yes and if he has no problem then why do you?"

Once again, my grandpa ignored me. He sat peacefully on his rocking chair, reading a news paper, like no one else was in the room.

"God know what's wrong with everyone in this family?!" I groaned, still trying to catch his attention.

"Exactly," he finally muttered.

"What? Now you talk?" I tapped my foot impatiently and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

He looked up and giggled, "This is exactly what I am asking. What is wrong with you?" He said while putting away his glasses.

"No, what is wrong with you, daarji? You never stopped me before and now all of a sudden, I can't even go out with friends I have known for all my life?" I passed him my usual puppy face, hoping for him to say yes.

"Because you are getting married in two months, beta," he patted my head but I moved away.

"Two months and ten days," I reminded him, "and out of all that time, I am only asking you to give me ten days for myself."

I could feel tears form in my eyes so, I looked away.

Ever since I could remember, I was provided with all the luxuries one could possibly have. No one ever dared to argue with me and life was like heaven. My grandpa supported me throughout and told me how proud he was to have me but, all this wedding drama is already screwing up with my life.

"My parents don't mind the why do you? They gave me permission so why can't you?" I continued, emotionally blackmailing him.

Rule number one: never forget the most important and useful weapon a girl holds; tears.

"I have always listened to you before my parent, respected you before everyone else and loved you dearly-"

He interrupted.

"Well, your dad is silly enough to let you loose. You respect me more because I am the father of your father. So, you better listen to me," he finished.

"I am not a cow that you could let me loose or tie me up. my dad trusts me enough to let me go and thats why I expected you to trust me even more. After all, I thought we were more like friends." I looked away once again but this time I spotted my sister-in-laws, Kashish and Mehek, in the mirror.

My two most favourite family members showed me a thumbs up and encouraged me. They knew that that I would get around anything with the help of these tears. When I was little, my only complaint was having five brohers, including four cousins, and no sisters but, Kashish and Mehek really did fulfil my only wish that my parents couldn't.

"You don't love me enough, I know," I shifted my concentration towards daarji, knowing that it was not true. He loved me more than anything and could die for me. I was always his favourite and I know that I still am. It will take some time but he will come around it.

"Ok, fine. I don't, happy now?" he sighed and sat back down on his chair.

I couldn't believe this. All the wedding crap did change him after all.

"Fine! First you chose my groom, then they chose the wedding venue, I can't even choose my wedding dress because I am stuck with his grandma's wedding outfits and now you stole away the last this that I was counting on: My freedom!" I yelled before stomping out of the room.

"I am not eating until you say yes!" I walked back to his room and informed him before running out again.






I looked at my worn out face in the mirror, still tired from last night's performance. I stared at my reflect for a few seconds. Where am I? I kept on asking myself.

Fame was always my dream but I didn't think that I will have to trade myself in order to achieve that. Gulping down the last sip of my strong black coffee, I picked up my dark grey blazer and headed outside where the crowd waited for me.

Three bodyguards provided me with protection as I swam through the wild crowd of almost 600 fans. My name echoed in the stadium when camera's turned towards me. I managed to keep up with my smile as a few crazy ones touched me here and there. I would never be able to understand why the public judges the 'real' us by the characters we play? I mean, its not that I am not great-full of my fans but think about it; how could someone claim to be in love with you when the only time they see you is on the silver screen or public appearances. Just because you seem all sorted on screen, it doesn't mean that life is smooth offscreen as well.

"HUSSAIN!!" They roared enthusiastically at me as I scanned the stadium.

"Good Evening, London!" I tried to sound as cheerful as possible before the rest of the group made their appearance.

Being the lead of dhoombros upcoming movie, the management decided that I should be under the spotlight on the launch day so, I came alone and the rest of the troop waited for me to be on stage first.

After hours of chit chat with the audience, it was time for us to leave. I slipped out from the backstage to avoid all the hand shakes that management had organised for us. Finally, after looking around for half an hour, I found a peaceful corner on the terrace of the hotel to sit and relax.

"He is on the terrace," I heard a familiar voice after a while, " where did you go, man?"

I didn't bother to turn around so, Shehry bhai came and sat next to me.

"What is it. Hussain?" he asked after a long pause, "I have been noticing you for days now."

I avoided his gaze but his question was too hard to be ignored. I took a deep breath as I couldn't decide where I should start from.

"Think I am sick of all this already," I finally said, looking up at the dark blue sky, "I need a break," I shook my head, "sometime for myself, for us. Away from this chaos- pleasing the public act."

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