Chapter 29:: Kya Yeh Pyaar Hai?

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2 updates in one day! Happy? <3

How's the new cover?? :D
And the edit on the Side? :D



"Preet wait!" I growled but this girl was being too stubborn. I increased my pace and when I was right next to her, she finally stopped.

"What the f*ck are you doing Asmaara?" She shouted right in my face and I slightly stumbled backwards.

"I am only trying to make things less complicated," I stated, firmly folding my arms in front of me.

"Less complicated by humiliating me?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"How's mentioning your to be husband humiliating you?" It was my turn to frown at her.

She paused for a moment and gulped. Looking away, she shook her head and then turned to face me again. I was still waiting for an answer.

"You know what Asmaara, I am here to live on my own terms for the last time. Just for myself and to enjoy the last few days before my wedding," she said, "so stop baby sitting me and find a better past time. After Imraan, I understand that you desperately need something to occupy yourself with but, I am not willing be controlled by you."

Preet threw her words at me and walked away. I watched her while slowly processing her harsh words. Even she thinks that I control things. All this while I have been trying to make sure that things stay less complicated and here best friend thinks that I am babysitting her out of boredom. People I love the most always end up being hurt by me.

Am I cursed or something?

~~~PREET's POV~~~

Darn it! I am such a horrible friend. How can I disperse my anger on her just like that? She is probably just protecting me the way she think is right. I'll talk to her once I calm down properly.

Right now, I just need a long walk and some music. I pulled out my new phone and plugged in the headphones. There weren't much songs but I did manage to download a handful.

I walked along the swimming pool area, for I don't know for how long, thinking about every hint Asmaara had dropped at me. What makes her think that something might happen between Hussain and me? I mean, I know he is a good person and trustworthy friend with a charming personality...Good sense of humour... The mouthwatering jaw line... Killer smile... Those perfect size abs ... that just right skin tone... His voice... His intense eyes.....

Shut up brain!!


Altogether, he is a good guy and a friend. Aur kuch nahi!

I shook Hussain's thoughts away and frowned at myself. Maybe Asmaara is right. I should be spending my time thinking about Raj and here I am, unable to get Hussain out of my head.

But, this can't be what she is scared of. This can't be..... Love, right?


I stomped back to the motel, unable to figure out the reason behind my anger. I was frustrated and was boiling inside. I felt like screaming, yelling and throwing random objects, breaking them into bits. This was happening all over again. The last time I had an urge of doing this was when Noor ruined everything. I had ended up trashing the whole house, unable to speak up against the girl I was planning my whole life with.

Preet effects me like Noor used to. Infact, even more than Noor. Her smile makes me happy, her tears hurt me deep inside, her laugh lights up my day and her innocent eyes...... Ugh! Right now, it felt like Preet staked my heart brutally. Her wedding news was killing me.

I opened Preet's shopping bags and furiously searched through them for something delicate. I shut my eyes tight when my hand gripped a yellow and green clay flower vase. Pulling it out, I eyed it carefully before throwing it at a tree. I closed my eyes as it shattered into bits, taking away not even a fraction of my anger.

"What the hell?" I heard a squeak and froze on the spot, "Hussain? It took me ages to find a perfect piece and you broke it?"

I glanced at Preet for a mare second and then turned away from her. "It was an accident," I lied, shutting my eyes tightly. Why is my heart aching all of a sudden?

"Accident? I saw you throwing it!" She accused me and threw a punch on my shoulder but, I refused to react.

"hello? At least say sorry, Hussain?" She punched me several time until I had enough.

I reached behind me and grabbed her wrist. Twisting her around I wrapped my arm around her. Her back was slammed right against my chest and my hands tightly wrapped around her waist, locking her hands in place. I could feel her shaking and breathing heavily. Is she nervous? Am I scaring her?

Inhaling the sweet smell of her perfume, I slowly let go off her wrist and moved away. She reluctantly turned around but didn't look up to meet my eyes. I gulped the knot in my throat and tried speaking but, she beat me.

"I.. I think.. I need to.. To go," she stammered and walked past me. From the corner of my eyes, I saw her going away from me and I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Kab hai shaadi?" I blurted and closed my eyes, for some reason not wanting to hear the answer.

"Tumhe kaise pata?" She asked and my heart sank deep in to my stomach. God, what is happening to me?

"I didn't. But now I do," I sighed and she slowly walked towards me, "you weren't gonna tell me, were you?"

I saw her gulping before she began, "Hussain-"

"Kab hai?" I repeated my question, cutting through whatever she was about to say. I clenched my fists as I desperately waited for an answer this time.

"Tum aaoge?" She asked in her soft voice. Her hand gently brushed against my arm and my eyes slowly followed her touch. I closed my eyes again, wanting to keep that warm feeling saved in my memory box forever. That soft, gentle, feather touch of hers.

"Hussain?" She whispered again and I slowly opened my stinging eyes to meet her glossy ones.

"Nahi," I said, looking away and her hand instantly slipped off my upper arm.

"Fir jaan kar kya karoge?" Her voice broke as she took a few steps back.

A warm tear trickled down my cheek as I saw her walking away from me. I slowly let go of the breath that I was holding on to for I don't know how long. Kneeling down to the ground once again, I reached a big broken piece of the flower vase and threw it at the tree again.

Please don't go, Preet. Fight with me, scrunch your nose at my lame jokes, scold me; but, please don't walk away from me.

Aaaaaahhhhhhh!! I finally screamed at the top of my lungs, unable to keep it all inside me. What the hell is happening to me? Why is her wedding news bothering me so much anyway?


Yeh kya ho raha hai mujhe? I yelled, covering my head with my hands.

Shayad Pyaar? A voice inside my head left my stunned.

Preet se?

Intense, was it? Well there is another sad one coming up.

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