Chapter 30:: Bhool Na Jaana Mujhe

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Honestly, the amount of silent readers there are on Wattpad annoys me :/ speak up, guys!

I have the next chapter written out but I am going to wait until at least 15 people vote for the last two chapters. So, go back and vote if you haven't already... XD XD


"Kya Hua hai bhai?" Waqas nudged Hussain's shoulder, who decided to play dead.

Hussain has been lying like this since last night. He didn't say a single word to any of the guys when he returned and refused to have dinner as well. Waqas and Adeel, unaware of the actual reason, decided to name it tiredness while Shehry was genuinely concerned about his brother.

Preet on the other hand, had been quite stressed out and she even decided to leave early morning. Asmaara, who was feeling as confused as Preet, also wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

The only thing she had been praying for during the last few days was that Preet's words should prove her's wrong. However, when Preet returned last night and hugged her, drenching her top with tears, she knew then that her assumptions weren't just assumptions. Although Preet refused to tell her anything, she knew that going back was their best option. But, the Waters sisters are a handful to handle. Preet wasn't ready to tell them anything and they weren't ready to go back without a valid reason. After a long argument with Jess, Paige, Adeel and Waqas they had decided to stay for one more day.

Today was that day and they all decided to party together for the last time. Yet, Hussain wasn't ready to leave the bed and Preet's smile was curved upside- down.

"Come on, dude," Adeel jumped on Hussain, "it's their last day! We might not meet them ever again," he pleaded.

Hussain's head snapped his way and then instantly buried into the pillows again.

"Acha hoga," he groaned and pushed Adeel away.

Shehry observed his brother and tried putting all the pieces together. All that Jessica had told them about Preet's state, her decision about leaving all of a sudden, His chat with Asmaara and Hussain's attitude; they all started to point out at one thing.

"Guys, you need to get the barbecue area ready so get moving," Shehry finally spoke and pushed Adeel and Waqas out of the room, "I'll bring him."

Hussain raised his head slightly as the bed dipped near his legs. "I am not coming bhai. Go away," he groaned.

"Why not? Give me a valid reason and I will leave," Shehry sighed.

No one spoke for a while until Hussain finally gave up and sat up straight.

"Uski shaadi ho Rahi hai," he said silently, looking at the floor.

"So?" Shehry asked, "you should be happy for her and here you-"

He paused for a second as realisation hit him.

"Hussain, you don't love her, do you?" He asked, wishing for the answer to be no.

Hussain moist eyes shot up to meet his. "Pata nahi," he mumbled and Shehry was left speechless.

The room was silent again until a knock on the door sliced through. Shehry opened the door and Asmaara stood in front of him. Even in the tensed situation, he smiled idiotically at her. God, she has an effect on him!

She invited herself inside and went upto Hussain. Turning to Shehry, she asked him to give them some time alone and so, Shehry left the room without any questions.

"Hussain, I understand where your mood, right now, is coming from," she spoke, "I understand your feelings but, in our society- in our community, this isn't right. Preet came here to give herself a break before a fresh start and not to fall in love. I know you love her- I see it in your eyes."

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