Chapter 34:: A Loving Husband?

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Sorry, it's not that long :/

Check out the pic of three new characters on the side :) :)


Where am I? I asked myself the moment I opened my eyes. My room isn't white and Aqua; its cream and pink.

I tried moving but, a tight grip around my waist stopped me from doing so. Lowering my eyes to my abdomen, I noticed a naked arm. When my eyes trailed upwards, my insides crushed. The face belonged to someone I wasn't particularly excited to see.

Dim light penetrated through the curtains, suggesting that it's already morning. I reached for my phone on the nightstand and checked the time. 6:45AM.

I am so dead! So freaking dead!

Without making a lot of noise and moving as slowly as I could, I carefully lifted the heavy arm off my waist and slid away from the stiff body. If I wake him up, he won't like it. Damn, he wouldn't even remember how we got here last night.

I wanted to scream my lungs off right now. What have I just done? I wasn't supposed to be in this bedroom three years after our breakup. Damn! Why is he so irresistible? That charming face. His charming face can even fool the world's smartest person and I am just an ordinary girl, who is still madly in love with him after all he did to me. He, on the other hand, doesn't want love; all he wants is.........

Sigh. How could I be such an idiot?

"Hey miss sneaky!" I heard a chuckle just when I closed the bedroom door behind me. A voice I didn't want to hear.

In fact, I didn't want to here any voices right now. I just wanted to sneak out without letting anyone know that Malvika Arora is stupid enough to be sleeping with Raj Kashyap after all that he had done to her.

"Aditya," I sighed, turning towards him.

"So, you couldn't live without him, could you?" he smirked and gave me a dirty look.

Something Raj never did. He always said the right things, did the right things and behaved how a girl expects a guy to; Of course, only until he got what he wanted.... And that usually ended bad. In my case it was an abortion.

I looked up at Aditya and instantly looked away, "it happened because of a couple of drinks. Trust me. I didn't seduce him," I said and he chuckled.

"Don't worry," he took a step closer and I ran a hand through my hair, "I won't tell anyone," he leaned in and I jumped back.

Raj was a mistake last night but, right now I am just fine to knock down this creep. Though I can't do that because the next that would happen will be police at my door step. Kashyap's aren't the kind of people you want to deal with if you are on their 'bad book' already. They are selfish and ruthless. At least I have only seen that side of this family. Goddammit! Why did I have to drink so much and then come here with Raj?

"Ooh! You are scared," he whispered as his arms snaked around my waist. No, I wasn't scared but men in this family disgust me.

"Go," he laughed and moved away.

I really needed to go home and take a long bath until every spot where he might have touched me last night is clean. Uhh I just hate myself right now!


Servants worked through their normal routine in Kashyap Vila until every morning a loud groan forced them to stop what they were doing and baby sit a brat. They immediately lined up in front of Raj's bedroom and waited for him to yell out their names and jobs he would assign them.

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