Chapter 21:: Take My Hand- I Promise I Wont Let Go

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"You stared into each other's eyes for how long?" Paige asked with amusement dripping from her face.

It was early morning and us girls were getting ready to leave for a day that I wish turns out normal and without any drama. I filled them in with whatever happened last night and off course deleting the whole, touching my face part. Darn! I almost thought he would kiss me. Or maybe he was about to but, stopped because something struck him? Maybe he realised I didn't deserve to be kissed by him?!

What am I even going there? Please mr brain, stop functioning and you too Mr heart; Stop skipping beat every time I say his name or even think about him.

I am getting married in two months for God's sake! This is so painfully annoying!

"I don't know- a couple of minutes," I said while popping tinned Mac n cheese into the microwave.

"I have read it somewhere. If you are even forced to look into someone's eyes for more than seven seconds," her voice was so high. She sounded super excited, "you fall in love with them instantly!" She grinned like an idiot and winked at me.

NO. No freaking way!

"Paige!" Jess and Asmaara shouted simultaneously, "she is getting married."

"Getting," paige repeated, "there is still scope and I can totally help you elope even on the wedding day, bestie!" She smiled like she meant it while I stood there confused.

You fall in love them... Her words swirl inside my head. That weird feeling last night was.... love? Eww no!

"Preet?" Paige's waving hand broke my chain of thoughts, "thinking about him again?"

"No, I wasn't thinking about Hussain!" I blurted. Oh shit!

"Guilty conscious!" Jess laughed, "she didn't even say Hussain."

Ugh! I growled under my breath just when the microwave beeped and I turned around to pull out the dish.

"Did I just hear my name?" Hussain's deep voice startled me, "Easy girl!" I heard Paige giggle. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

God, please, give my friends enough common sense to realize that they are supposed to keep their big fat mouth shut!

"I knew I had fans all over the world," I wasn't looking at him but I could tell he was smirking.

So typical him.

"Meh~ here comes the self obsessed freak," Jess chuckled and a small laugh escaped my lips, "you have got anything better to do other than drooling over girls and bragging about your effect on them that doesn't even exist in the first place?"

"Oh hello. Hussain ladkiyo ke peeche nahin- ladkiya Hussain ke peeche bhaagti hai!" He claimed and of course Jess didn't understand a thing. Another giggle escaped my lips and I bit my lower lip immediately.

Jess nudged my elbow and I reluctantly looked up. She wriggled her eyebrows teasingly. Dammit no!

"Whatever that was, coming back to your main question, we were just-" she would have spilled it out but I shoved a spoonful of macaroni in her mouth, "preet!" She groaned, unwillingly chewing down the food.

"Shut up," I hissed at her in a whispering tone with a smile on my lips, warning her. She quickly gobbled the macaroni in her mouth before passing me her evil smile again.

"We were just thinking that Hussain-"

"Hussain can't cook better Mac n cheese better than me. You know brown guys and their pride? Like men don't belong to the kitchen beliefs?" I laughed nervously. What am I even rambling?

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