1. New Kid

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Its a saturday morning, normal 17 year olds usually wake up to no alarm, relax and sleep in... well not for me. Hi my name is Allison Marcus I live in a house with 4 boys, where's the mum you may ask? Well she left when I was 5 years old the last word I distinctly remember her saying to us or mostly dad was "fuck you dear I can by my own beer" I thought she would come back after storming out more than once but never returned, ive only ever gotten cards from her on Christmas and I tell you what it said? Well it would say first Merry Christmas but underneath it would say and I quote "ran out of change bring me money will ya" not even a love you? But enough about my mom and her messed up life, back to my messed up life... literally messed up I wake up everyday to a pigstye thats what I get living with boys...


"DAD..." no answer "DAD" I screamed

"Yes dear!" Dad comes in rushing huffing and puffing wondering what hes doing that requires movement at 7am in the morning on a Monday.

"I cant find my phone one of the bimbos took it can you please get it off them im a girl and I dont need anyone touching my phone thats why its an 'I' Phone not 'US' phone"

Dad smirked and went upstairs to rant at the boys. The great thing about being the only girl is that I get to have my own room and-

"Allison have you seen my glasses?"

Jake comes in "its my first day of college I need my glasses to make a good first impression"

"They are fake I dont get why you need them?" I said annoyingly

"Oh sister sister" jake said mockingly

"I told you I need to make a good first impression and the best way is to wear glasses"

"Yes yes I know its a stereotype, when wearing glasses people assume your smart and well behaved" I said

"Thats right" jake said sarcasticly

"Okay well im off to school I will see you when I get home.." if I make it through the day let along week, month, year


This year was year where dad finally agreed to buying me a car, of course it's not a Mercedes or a BMW its those 1998 cars but at least I dont have to take the bus to school ever, its like a suicide mission just to find a seat. You either sit next to a perky bitch or someone who didnt bother to put deodorant or you stand nether the less im glad to have some sort of car because now people will think that im the one who passed my test and thats makes me look 'cool' it the word. Another stereotype

I drive into school feeling confident this time with a car and a license, girls on the cheerleading team you better save me a spot at lunch.

"allison" Christy screams out in the middle of the hallway

"Hey Christy" sounding tired, thats because I am its a Monday morning who isnt?

"Walk with me oh-my-god 12 o'clock look!" Christy turning me forcfully

"Whos that?" I said curiously

" I dont know but I want me some of that" Christy smiling almost pedophilic

"Well im off to class- Cristy!"


"Please close your mouth and stop drooling!"

"Oops I didnt notice" she said wipping the drool from her chin

I walk into class praying and praying id get disant people this year.

Spoke to soon...

Everyone that I could possibly strangle is in this freaking class. "I hate my life" I said under my breath

"Class settle down and take your seat" everyone takes their seats

"Now id like to introduce you to adam james"

Every girl immediately stops, stares at this... This boy well not just any boy a bad boy you can tell by his outfit the full leather and ankle high boots, quiffed hair and lets not forget the sunglasses. I wouldn't be surprised if he was gay because of the amount of leather he preserves on his body.

I kid you not every girl just stared at this bad boy.

I let out a sigh I wonder what they find attractive about adam something james assuming he has a middle name.

"Adam please take a seat next Allison" Mrs Parker ushered adam over next to me

"Great" I mumbled under my breath

He gives me this smirk that grabs my attention, he sits next to me and stares

"Can I help you?" After a minute of akward staring

"Nothing" he said the corner of his lips turn up

"Please if you want to stare at me take a picture it'll last longer" I said sarcasticly

He laughed sarcasticly "gladly"


"Christy dont wait up for me" as I stayed back getting in trouble with pretty much the last person I want to stay with the "bad boy"

"When I said take a picture it'll last longer, I didnt mean it literally"

"Well I took it literally" he said with the biggest smirk on the planet.

"Okay so Mr James since its your first day here im letting you off with a warning no cell phones allowed during class"

"So sorry for the incident Mrs Parker I asure you it wont happen again"

Mrs Parker goes back inside while I walk off and he jogges behind me to catch up

"What are you doing" with a concerned face

"Well since your the only girl that did not drool over me with her mouth wide open I thought there would be something wrong with you?... so what are you into, nerds?, blondes?... girls? He mumbled.

"Sorry did you just say girls" I asked my voice rising

"Well since you arent head over heals I thought you might like.. you know girls

"Well for your information I dont like girls well I do but not like that.. argh your just not my type now can you drop it" going on my tip toes to try and become his hight but clearly failing

"Im everyones type" he said under his breathe

"Well not mine" I said with a sarcasticly smile

Hey guys so this is my first book ever! Ill be updating more than once a week but not sure the days yet

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