3. Science Project?

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I get to school and the bell rings while im parking the car, I jump out and run to the entrance, I sprint across the hallway and stop at the door for science. Everyone stops and looks at me like I just murdered 3 people. I look around to find a seat and the only seat available is next to the "bad boy" he gives me the biggest smirk and I walk defeated to his table.

"So I guess your my science partner for the project" saying it while smilling devilish

"Wait what?" Saying it confused "well everyone wanted to be my partner but I said I was taken." "By me?" "Yeah now your stuck with me till this is finished" he said smirking "great" I said under my breath "your welcome" he said smiling deviously at me I sigh and finally take my seat. "Class your project is on corrosion, please conduct a corrosion experiment with your partner and record your results, I'll give you your scaffold and marking criteria so you know what to expect from me when marking" great I was confident about this project I knew already what to do and where to get the equipments, only one problem I had this (Adam) next to me to be my partner. "Is he that desperate for me to like him" I mumbled but I clearly said it to loud and forgetting he was 12 inches away from me. He looked at me and smiled but not those smiles that makes me thinking hes creating a plan in his head but a smile that I cant describe "a smile is a smile" I mumble again but quieter.


The bell rang and I walked out of class and not surprised Adam comes from behind me and says "so I guess we are partners now... well since we are why dont you come over my house after school and we can start on it? " "no im fine ill just do it myslef and put your name on it too" "that sounds tempting but I am actually pretty excited about this project... I like science" god he was horrible at lying I sigh, "fine ill follow you in my car to your house" "perfect" he said with a evilish smirk

I roll my eyes and walk off as I walk a hear Adam scream in the hallway "see you tonight Allison Marcus" I stop my cheeks becoming red but manage to pull a smile "idiot" I say under my breath, I look backwards and he is still standing in the same position when I left him, he flashes me a smile and disappears into the crowd.


I find Christy at the lunch cafeteria I walk over then I feel fingers grab my arm and pull me away from Christy I almost let out a cuss but then see Adam smilling in ammusment "can I help you?" "I just wanted to make sure you wont stand me up on our 'date'" he quoted " okay please get this through your hollow head its not a date I had no choice to be your partner okay? When I go over to your house we are doing the science project thats all it will be.. you got that" Adam releases my arm and nods "okay good now can I go back to my only friend?" He nodded and smirked then walked back to his table. He made friends the second day of school, I think to myself. Who am I kidding he is a "bad boy" of course he can make friends that easily.

I walk back over to Christy whos eyebrow is rised and the corner of her lips are curled up "I see you've gotten cosey with Mr James" she said mockingly "I was put with him for a science project so im forced to talk to him" I said annoyingly "and now I have to go over his house to start it" Christy grins and gives me a nudge don't do anything I would do... especially being in the same house as that.. that sex god!" "CHRISTY" I shout and everyone goes silent and looks at me. Through the crowd of eyes I manage to find my eyes lay on Adam hes just staring at me and smiling then the silence breaks and everyone goes back to their talking my eye contact breaks from Adams when he looks away to talk to his friend.  "Okay that was a bit far" Christy saying it while laughing. I laugh and get my lunch out of my bag since Jake took all my money for loosing a stupid bet, I had a salad thats gone dry and orange juice I take two bites out of the salad and gag at the dry sensation in my throat. Christy thorws me a bottle of water and I gulp down the dryness. "Ew" I mumble, Christy laughs and gives me half of her sandwhich. I thank her and start to eat it realived I dont have to choke down the dry salad.

Hey guys hope your liking the book so far so ill be posting for now everyday a new chapter but once I get a bit busier I will narrow it down to a couple days a week. If you're reading this on your ipad and it seems short soooooo sorry im writing this on my phone and what seems long to me is short for the readers on ipads or just bigger screens in general ill be writing more dont worry!!!!

OH AND credit it my friend afaf for helping me come up with the came and a bit of the chapter :)))

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