9. Dinner?

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Its been a week after Adam and I made it offical. Everytime id meet up with him, id feel alive and joy. I lay in bed on a friday morning, its all quiet, until Nick bursts into the room chanting his name for no apparent reason. "What are you exactly doing?" "Im chanting my name what does it look like?" I groan and throw my pillow over my face. I hear a the door bell go off at the bottom of the stairs, dad opens it and starts to talk to someone, cant make out the voice. So I pull the covers over my head, a few minutes later I hear shuffling, I pull my covers off of my head to lecture Nick, but to find Adam sitting on my bed. "Hey" he says with a smile, oh god I had no makeup, my hair looks like something id do for halloween. "Seriously?" "Oh, okay ill leave then" he said getting up, but I grab his hand and pull him into bed. "No stay, unless you are terrified of this... effortless look". He smile and kisses my forehead, then nose and lips. He slips his hands down my waist, and in an instant he starts to tickle me. I laugh so hard kicking the air, I roll onto my stomach and tickles under my shirt, I laugh so hard a tear falls, I smack his hand and cover my stomach so he doesnt attack again. He looks at me and smiles, gives me a quick kiss and goes into the bathroom. "No really? I swear you ruin the moment everytime" "well im sorry" he said laughing "I can't control my bladder" I laugh and wait for him. "Okay so tomorrow I made plans for us to go to dinner, and then my house for a movie, how does that sound?" "Hmmm ill think about it" I said mocking him. He walks over me to give me a kiss, well thats what I thought, then he grabs my legs and pulls me over his shoulders, I laugh and hit his back with my hands. He puts me down. "Did I make it up for the moment I ruined?" "Yes, yes you did" he give me a kiss on the nose then walks out of my room to let me change, and do all the other extra girl things girls do. Sometimes I wish I was a boy all you have to do is put on clothes and brush your hair and your done. But for girls is the same just extended and makeup is involved. I pick out my clothes, I chose a short jumpsuit with ankle boots and I felt like a hat, so I grabbed the small top hat. I walk down stairs to Adam and Noah having a chat. I grab toast and Adams hand and drag him out the door. "Bye boys" I say walking out the door, "what did my idiotic brother tell you now?" "Just things about the basketball team at this other school" I nod and get into his car. "So about dinner and movie, id love to" I say smiling. He grabs my neck and pulls me in to kiss me until the sound of my brother interupts our session, "if you're going to make out, please Adam tint your windows darker next time" Jake said laughing. "Dont be jelous brother" I said mockingly "trust me im not" I sarcasticly laugh at him. "God typical jelous person" "what?" Adam asking me for an explanation "well when people say they arent jelous, they usually are and it turns into this competition" "ahh another one of your stereotypes" I sarcasticly laugh at him too. We drive to school, Adam turns on the radio to hear Michael Jackson on the radio, "god the king, you can't get enough of him" I nod in approval. We arrive at school late as always, we run into first period, we have english, learning about play writes. Mr Dallas let us off with a warning, we sat down next to each other. Mr Dallas was talking about some sort of acting technique, but all I could think of is the date. 40 minutes into the lesson I get a note from Adam asking:

Chick flick [ ]

Apocalypse movie [ ]

(Please tick)

I laugh a little and pick Apocalypse movie, I was never into Chick flicks, I blame living in a house with 4 boys.


School finally ends, I walk out hand in hand with Adam. "Okay so if I race you to my car, I win I get to pick tomorrow place to eat out, if you win, you get to pick tomorrows destination". I smile and nod. "Okay 3...2...1!" And we are off I race him through the parking lot he is in front of me he almost reaches the car if it hadent been for Jacky Thompson to get in his way. I laugh and sprint to the car, I reach it first and jump up and down. Adam comes after me a few milliseconds later. "Okay what do you want" saying it out of breath. I laugh "hmmm Thia" he shakes his head, "what?" "Its funny because i was going to say Thia". He grabs my waist and kisses me, his kiss is soft and gentle on my skin, before I could do anything else, I sneeze. "Really?" "Well karma I guess" "oh okay" he said in a laughing tone. "But like you did ill make it up to you" I said with a laugh.

We drive home, he pulls up into the drive way, so tomorrow be ready at 4 okay?" "Sounds great" trying to contain my excitement. "See you tomorrow" he said kissing my forehead. "See you".

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