8. Motel Memories

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I still felt weak after the whole... thing at the party. Adam noticed I was weak and without question, he lifts me into his arms, I wrap my hands around his neck for support and head tilted to his chest. He opens the motel door with one hand and pushes it with his leg. He walks in and places me onto the bed. The motel was nice, there was a king size bed, small kitchen and 2 bathrooms. Adam takes off my heels and I turn towards him. "Thank you, for today" "ill always be here for you" he says with a small smile. He goes into the kitchen placing my purse and heels on the kitchen table. "Will you be okay for the night here?" "Yeah" I say weakly. As Adam's about to walk out the door, I stop him. "Could you please stay the night, I just dont want to spend it alone". Adam smiles and grabs a chair and pulls it near the bed. We stay silent for a minute.  "You know when I saw that douche on top of you I had to much mixed feelings, I was angry, scared, sad and I went blank for a moment I didnt know what to do for those three seconds, that I saw you, especially when tears where coming down your cheeks, I wanted to do more than just punch him". I don't know what to say so I just start to cry. I didnt mean to, but all of this just overwhelmed me, Adam just stares at me for a while but then gets up, walks to me, sits on the bed and opens his arms. I scatter to him and wraps my arms around his rib cage and cry into his chest. He brushes my hair and kiss the top of my head, that made me cry more.


Adam's P.O.V

Allison sleeps im my arms, I dont know wether to get up and leave or stay.  She looked so.. peaceful, she looked different when she is asleep, but a good different, I decide to stay and sleep the night. I slip my shoes off with my feet and sink into the bed, Allison still had her arms around my waist and head on my chest. I didnt mind this at all.


Allisons P.O.V

I wake up to Adam sleeping with me, im on my side and his arms wrap around me. I have the biggest hangover my head hurts, but I decide stay in bed. I kinda liked it. I stay in the same position for a few extra minutes,  then I turn around to face Adam. He was already awake. "Good morning" he says with this raspy, deep, morning sexy voice.  "Morning" I say letting out a yawn. I turn to face the wall and Adam pulls up to a sitting position, he looks back at me "hangover?" "Yup" I say massaging my temples "how many bottles did you have yesterday" saying it with a laugh "I think like 3" I say while yawning "wow you get drunk easily". That's probably because I havent drunken in a long time. I sit up, run my fingers through my sleep hair and get up next to him, before I take a step I feel dizzy and fall, but before I hit hard ground Adam catches me, his hand is touching my bare thigh and I turn around, he is sitting on the bed and im kneeling on the ground. I face him and he looks at me. Then just like that, he grabs my cheeks and pulls me in and our mouths connect. He pulls back and looks at me out of breath and this time gives me a smirk, he looks more sure and pulls me In again and kissing me furmer, his hands start at my cheeks then slide down to my shoulders, then to my waist he wraps his whole arm around my waist and pulls me in closer. My arms wrap around his neck. I get up, still kissing him he grabs me and both of our bodies collide on the bed. Kissing Adam felt like heaven not to sound cliché but it did. Then after minutes of intense making out, I stop him and pull my arms to his chest. "I need to have a shower" I say smiling, "great lets go" he said with a smile. "No, silly just me"


After my warm soothing shower my hangover is gone. I walk out in a towel, "wow Allison keep it PG rated please" he said laughing. He pulls me in and kisses me, I kiss back but then let go, I grab his hand and put him in the corner, "what are you doing?" He said asking questiongly, " I need you to turn around while I change" "aww but why" he gives me a smirk, I stare at him and he puts his hands up in surrender. "He closes his eyes and I put his hands over them so he dosent look. While I grab my dress I could see from the corner of my eyes Adam has let his hands go. "HEY" "what?. I opened my eyes when you had half your clothes on" I put on my dress and he observes me. "Have I ever told you, you look beautiful." "Hmm yes you have" I smile and walk towards him to give him a kiss on the cheek, but before my mouth touches his cheek, he turns his head and our mouths touch. I pull back "thats not fair" I said smiling he wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me while he walks to grab his keys. When he realeses me I grab my phone and find 10 missed calls from all the boys at home and 5 messages from each.  I groan "whats wrong" he asks. "Boys..." "what are you going to tell them?" "Im going to say I slept at Christy's house" "good idea". I walk out of the motel "so does that mean we are offical?"

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