10. It can go horrible, or great

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I got home after Adam drove me from school, I was jumping up and down in excitement, Jake walks through the door. "Whats gotten your panties in a twist". I siged, "I might of gotten asked out on a date with my boyfriend" "wow" "what?" "He hasent asked you out before?" "Well.. ugh shut up and move along will ya". Jake laughed and walked into the kitchen. "Why can't I have a moment of happiness?" "Thats because you live a life with boys...". "More like pigs" I mumble "what?" "Nothing, im going up stairs". I walk up stairs and stop half way through the stairs and remember I dont have anything to wear. I live with boys, not like they are going to ask me to go shopping with them to buy new clothes. I turn on my heel and go back down stairs. "Im going out" "you just came in?" Nick says. "Well nick, im a girl. And a girl needs clothes." "Dont you have a whole closet filled with it?" "Yes, but you dont understand, we arent like you, we cant live of 2 pairs or jeans and 4 shirts like you. We need new clothes constantly." Nick stopped listening after I mentioned clothes. "Sorry what, I wasent listening to your.. whatever you were talking about". I smack him on the head and walk out the door. I call Christy up to meet me at the mall but was busy. I drive down to the mall, all I could think about is what id do or say when we are on our date. Then. I think about all the worst case scenarios, god "what if I spill my drink? Or splatter food on my clothes? Or even worse I burp in front of him" we werent up to the stage where we burp or fart in front of each other, and be okay with it. I get the idea out of my head and turn the radio on. I listen to the beetles, I only knew a few songs, I wasent the biggest fan of them. I arrive at the mall and it closes in 2 hours, so I had to decide wether to get a dress or shirt and pants. I walk through the mall, I must have gone to atleast 4 different stores, I walk into this vintage store, I had second thoughts but walked in anyways. Every thing was old but beautiful, a lot of champagne colours, which was amazing. "Hi how may I help you?" A girl stares at me with bright red hair and her face covered in piercings. "Yes actually I need clothes for a date." "Well we usually dont get costumers asking for clothes for a date, the first stores they'd go to is, Forever 21, you know all those stores" I laugh "well im different" she smiles and takes me to a rack with pants hanging on hangers, "okay I think you would look good in these" she hands me a pair or high waisted light washed pink pans that had gold studs coming down the side. We walk over to the clothes aisle. She goes through shirts, and gives me a shirt that was not black but not white,  not even grey, I couldnt describe the colour, but it was amazing, it was short in the front, long in the back, It was sheer and long sleeve, the sleeve cuff had gold stuffing all around. Then the girl with the bright hair walked over and picked out ankle boots that were black. "Okay if you like them you can go over there into the dressing room" liked it? I loved it. I walked over with the biggest grin on my face. I tried it on and, perfect was the word to describe the clothes. I walk out and the girl gasps. "You look amazing dear" I smile and thank her. "I go back inside and change Back into my clothes I had on before. I walk outside and go to the cashier, "okay that will be... you know what, its on me" "what? No I can pay I dont mind and I shouldnt its from a store" "your my first costumer in months. "Okay but I still should pay." "Just take it, I hope you have fun on your date" I smile and take the bag. "Thank you so much, ill make sure to recommend your store to everyone I know. She smiles and I walk out. I go into my car, I had the biggest smile on my face the whole ride home. I got in the house and siged at the site of Nick and Noah chasing each over. They run toward me, I scream and wrap my hands around my face. They run around me like im some sort of object, then they run into the kitchen. I walk up stairs shaking my head. Now all I need to do is plan what im going to do and say for tomorrow.

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