5. Close and Personal

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Its been more than a week since school started and everyday seems the same, but the only difference is that I made a new friend. Adam he is smart, loves his family and kind. He isnt the stereotypical bad boy I thought he was though his look just says it all. At least I dont know he isnt gay considering... you know he 'almost' kissed me. I didnt know what to feel happy? Annoyed? I dont know I dont think I feel anything I guess. "Allison you up?" Jake asks questiongly "yeah ill be out in a minute" I heard Jack's foot steps faint the further he walked down the hallway. I pick out my close and as usual it takes forever for me to decide what to wear, thinking if anyone has seen me in that shirt or pants, after what seemed like 30 minutes of deciding I pick out shorts and a long tie dye tank top with some converse, I slab on makeup and straighten my hair quickly. I walk down the stairs "yeah I'll be out in a minute" Jake mimicking me I roll my eyes and go to the fridge where dad stored pre made waffles I grab one and spread honey on the top i looked at my watch and realised i was late I ate my waffle like there's no tomorrow. "BYE DAD I'LL SEE YOU WHEN I GET HOME" I scream as I run out the door. I frantically drive my car to school, I park my car and run in the parking lot and then I hear foot steps next to me while running "your late too" Adam says while running next to me. I let out a laugh while catching my breath. He opens the school doors and catches up to me we sprint to maths before getting to the classroom I pull my arm out and Adam pulls back when I hit his chest "whats wrong" "since we are already late why dont we just skip maths today" Adam is still breathing heavily but emotionless for a second then gives me a look thats an approval. We duck so Mr Mathews doesnt see us through the window. We run out of the back door and go to the football field where the stands are, we walk around it and go under the stands.  People clearly have been here, we see chairs, empty beer cans and cigarette buts everywhere. "Well lets take a seat" Adam gives me a devious smile I nod and grab a chair and sit, he drags his chair next to me. We stay in silence and I look at him he's been staring at me, I let out a small shy smile "so whats your story Allison?" "My story?" "Yeah what you like to do? Family?" "Well as you know I only have a dad and 3 brothers." "What happened to your mum?.. if you dont mind me asking" "no its fine" I waited a few seconds and then spoke "well when I was 5 my mum left us because she was depressed and started to have drinking problems, she wasent always like this, she use to have a job and she was one of the best mothers I could have even though I was young I could tell by the photos, she teached at a elementry school because she loved kids, but one day while on a field trip to the beach she sprained her ankle well that's what she thought what happened, well anyways she went to the doctor to check it out and turned out her leg was broken and she tore her tissue, so she was in a cast for a month she was sad and missed her job but when she was allowed to walk again she went back to school to get back to work. She asked the office for any new changes and they said yes.. they have given her spot to another person my mum was heart broken, she spent months finding a job at a school she was so desperate she considered a janitor position at this high school, my dad got worried about her. She got so depressed when no one took her so to make her forget she started drinking, at first it was a few bottles a day but then shed use up all her money on alcohol and my dad got worried. One day mum took money from dads wallet and he caught her before she left and he ordered her to give it back but she wouldn't so he had to literally takle her to get the money out of her hands. So when he grabed it off her she started screaming and talking about how we were a mistake and I was 5 I didnt understand but when mum was screaming I knew it was bad and so she walked out on us, I've only ever gotten Christmas cards from her asking for money". Adam goes silent and just stares at me, but not like Im a puppy about to get run over but a look that felt like it was telling me that "your better off without her" Adam finally speaks up "wow" "yeah" I say with a shaky laugh "im sorry but im also not sorry because if she was still around I wouldnt think youd have the courage to tell me what you just told me" "well whats your story Mr james" "me? Well I have a 4 year old sister well half.." "what do you mean half? I said confusingly "well im sorta adopted" "oh" I didnt know what else to reply "my birth parents well they gave me up for adoption when I was a new born because apparently my mother was a teen mom and she didnt know how to take care of a baby so they gave me up, I was given to who are now my parents" I dont say anything just stare.


~ Adam's P.O.V ~

"My parents didnt tell me I was adopted until I was about 14 I always knew something was wrong with me I just didnt know what but I wasn't expecting being adopted. I was in shock and I remeber I locked myself in my room trying to find my birth parent I didnt know where to start, so I scattered through the boxes in the basement above my room and found my birth certificate it had my biological patents names on it, so I called up the hospital I was born in and asked about my self and they had a copy of my information but they couldn't read it to me or give it to me unless I had my "parents" with me. Since then I lost hope into finding my birth parents". Allison just stares at me, doesnt say a word but nodes I look at her and me eyes go wattery, god im a "badass" and this is what I get for getting close to a girl, I guess she gets the good out of me. Allison gets up and I stand up too, she comes closer and hugs me I tense up at first not expecting it but then go loose and wrap my arms around her neck I bury my face In her shoulder, we hug for minutes it felt like and she releases I didnt want her to she was warm and comforting something I usually dont see in a girl but I see it in her "I hope you still love your family after they told you.. you know" she says with a small smile "of course I do I got over it eventually and went back to normal" but I always had that part of me buried at the back of my mind.

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