4. Bad Boy's house

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The school bell rang for everyone to go home. Thank god I couldn't stand to look at a text book any longer, since Adam was in my class for pretty much all my classes he followed me outside, he went by my side and asking "wheres your car?" I gestured to the 1998 car still not sure what kind of car because of the logo taken of from the car when I had my first accident. Long story short it was my fault... when Adam saw my car his eyes widens "what?" I ask curiously "Nothing nice... car" "thanks" I say sarcasticly "well where's your car then?" Asking him a bit annoyed, he points to this amazing Range Rover newest version how did I know?  I am obsessed with the car, my eyes widen and I get a bit excited even though ive seen them around the roads so many times. He catches me smilling "would you want to hop in and look inside the car" I dont say anything just nod, as we walk I half skip half walk to his car. He stops and unlocks the car he opens the door for me and I thank him I get inside and literally die "so how do you like it?" "Like it im in love!" He smiles at me, gosh I look and sound like im a 5 year old getting onto a ride for the first time. "Would you like a ride in my car to my house?" "What am I supposed to do with that" gesturing towards my car "uhh okay how about you drive to your house park it there and you can jump into my car and then go to my house?" "That seems like a plan" I say smiling still ammused by the car. I get out of his car and I walk to mine my smile fading once I reach my car, I groan and get in and start the car once im off Adam follows me. I blast music in the car until I reach my house and park it and run in quickly yelling at dad ill be doing a project at a friends house "okay hunny be back by 9" dad yells from the backyard "okay love you!" I yell back. I walk out the door Adam is waiting for me, his face is plastered with a smile and I walk over to his window as he roles down he asks me "you ready" "yup" I jump in the car and we are off. "So why did you move schools?" Making conversation "My family moved because my dad got a job offer here in California and mum said we should just move from Ohio to here" "are you happy?" I ask questioning "yeah I guess I did make friends quickly here" he says it with a smirk "well of course you did" rolling my eyes "well why do you asume that?" "Your a stereotype... the leather clothing, boots, quiffed hair and glasses your a "bad boy", Im guessing you smoke, are a trouble maker I assume, hate, your parents" "probably" I say under my breath "and im assuming you have a middle name you look like the type to have a middle name" he laughs and starts "okay so first I dont smoke my grand dad died because of it so I swore to myself id never ever smoke and second okay I find my parent irritating but I do love them and last you assumed right I do have a middle name". Wow is all I can think of "so Miss Marcus did I break your stereotype scale?" "No. Your still have the look and attitude" I said the last word quiter but he heard me "attitude hu?" "Well yeah what do you expect you act all badass" "Thats cause im the shit" "oh your the shit" him and I start to laugh until its fades into thin air. We don't talk for a few minutes until we reach his house. Its amazing. "So your the shit and rich" he let out a small laugh. We pull into the driveway and he unbuckles his belt and tells me to wait in the car he runs around the car and opens the door for me "oh why thank you" I say sarcasticly. "Your welcome" being sarcastic back. We walk into his house and its huge it must have over 6 rooms. A little girl comes running in screaming "ADAM" he crouches down to his knees and hugs her tight and lifting her up while getting up "hi emily!!" "Hows my favorite 4 year old?" "GOOD" she screams. "Emily I'd like you to meet my friend Allison "HI ABBISON" I laugh and say hi to her "well why dont you run along okay?" "OKAY" and shes off. I dont say anything just go upstairs and follow him into his room. "If you dont mind im gonna change into comfy clothes these things tend to irritate me after 6 hours being in them. I nod and he grabs pants and a shirt and goes into his bathroom he doesnt close his door all the way and I take a seat on his bed I look around, and I catch myself looking at him through the space between the door he is taking of his shirt and bare skin with amazing abs I open my mouth a little and don't realise It, he is so muscular you can see the natural contour lines so easily. Then he takes off his pants and that was my cue to look away, I wipe my mouth in realisation I was drooling. He comes back in and give him a small smile and he sits next to me on his bed. "So what should we start with" he gives me a smile and brings out his laptop and opens it up he looks up a expriment with a nail and acids to make the nail rust

"Okay I think we should do this experiment I have some nails somewhere In here and vinegar and some other acids are down in the kitchen" he was very into this project I guess he wasent lying when he said he liked science. 


Its been 2 hours and ive never done this much work in one day. We sit on the ground with snacks on the floor and two red bulls empty for energy. "Okay so we are almost done and its still 5" so what do you want to do while we wait?  I thought back to what Christy said to me but pushed it clear out of my mind and shaking my head to myself "you okay" Adam asks, "oh yeah im fine just thinking". "About what?" He asks curiously "stuff... school, people" "ahh okay so your a thinker, you just stare into space and think about things deep things, I bet Allison Marcus you day dream about things" so true "not true" I say but knowing it is. "Well whos being stereotypical now??" I ask with a laugh "okay okay" he says with a grin. He gets up from next to me to pick up the rubbish and then trips and falls on top of me. His forearm supporting his body from connecting and just stares at me with embarrassment but smiles "oops" I dont know what im supposed to do but I just stay still and let out a little laugh "well you can add clumsy to your stereotype" he grins and I laugh a tear comes out of me eye and he is still on top of me looking me in the eye and wipes my tear, I look at him and he leans in so close I could hear his breaths he looks at me and before he can get any closer I slip out from underneath him and he gets up a bit embarrassed "sorry" he says quietly "no im sorry I shouldn't have come" I walk out of the room and go downstairs and out the door.

I dont know how im supposed to get home so I just sit and the end of the cirb about to text Christy until I hear the door slam behind me and someone walks over to me and sits next to me. Its Adam "hey look" scratching the back of his neck im sorry for what I did in there " "its fine" I say quietly "no its not. If you wanna be friends im up for that" "id like that" I come to look at him but he's already staring at me. He smiles and pulls his arms out, I come in closer and give him a hug. He wraps his arms around me neck and my arms where his rib cage is. He pulls away and asks "so you wanna go home now" "yes please" I say innocently. We get into his car and drive home he pulls up into my drive way I get out and wave good bye, he rolls down the window and says loudly "have fun on the weekends and see you on Monday" "see ya" I say back he rolls his window up and I run inside to tell Christy everything. 

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