45. We Made It

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*End of School Year*

Oh my god. I cant believe we made it. My thoughts were flying. But thats the first thing I thought of when I woke up. "Allison" what sounded like Jake behind the door, "yup im up" I spoke, "is it safe to come in? I dont want to walk in on you. Again." I chuckle and opened the door for him. His expression showed pure happiness. "Why are you in such a good mood? You graduated last year" he smirks and engulfs me in a hug, "im happy for you sis, and I know this year was big. There were a lot of boy girl dramas and I wasn't there for you some of the time but I just want to let you know, since you are got accepted to Harvard. Like me" he smugly said, I rolled my eyes and let him continue. "So.. if you need any help or its hard on you just remember walk to the other side of the school and im on the second floor number 325 since I decided to live there you know to get independence." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I hugged him tightly.

First thing Im welcomed to downstairs is the whole family standing around the stairs smiling, dad having his camera in his hands ready to take a picture. I smile and make my way to Nick to give him a hug, "we made it" I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered back. "I cant believe we did", he let go and gave me a genuine smile, I could feel my eyes water but I held those sprinklers down.

"Okay so, we made you guys breakfast, so sit and eat before it gets cold" Noah gestures to the island where different varieties of food is placed on the table.

Once we ate and cleared up, Dad drove us all down to the school to watch our graduation party, "you ready?" My dad asks getting out of the car. "As ready as ill ever be" I answered. We walked into the school corridors to the back of the school into the football field. I found Christy by the bleachers "Allison! Oh my god! We made it!" She squealed. I laughed and engulfed her in a hug.

From the corner of my eye I could see Adam. I turned around to see him in a dress shirt, light washed jeans and dress shoes. He had a rose in his hand, my face lit up at the sight of him and the rose, he walked slowly, slowly as in to much exagerattion, I rolled my eyes and ran into his arms, "we made it" he whispers. I smile into his chest. "Ive been getting that a lot today" he chuckles and lets go of me, we havent seen each other in weeks because of finals, it was good to see him again.

He handed me the rose, as stereotypical as it was I sniffed it and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and took his hand into mine and walked over to our seats.

We sat down, sang the national anthem and then proceeded onto speechs from our teachers and principal's.

When our names were starting to get called out, I stood anxiously waiting for my certificate, "Ms Allison Marcus" the principal called, people were cheering, I could hear Jakes shouts from the bleachers, I smiled and accepted my certificate, I walked over to the mic to give a short thank you. "Thank you to my family I wouldn't of gotten through it with out you, thank you to the teachers, it was long and hard but here I am standing here graduating. Thank you to my amazing boyfriend, we were my rock and as stereotypical that is im glad its you. Thank you to my friends and my best friend Christy, see you next year in College roomey. Thanks to everyone here. We made it!" I shout the last part. Everyone cheers and I fist pump the air.

A couple more students pass through and then it was Adam's go. "Mr Adam James" she calls out, he walks up accepts the certificate and walks towards the mic. "Umm uhh im not good a public speaking but her we go. Thanks to the teachers, it sucked but payed off. A very special thank you to my girl friend Allison. Without you I wouldn't be here today and standing here graduating. Id probably have failed if it wasent for you." He chuckles. He takes the mic out of the stand and makes his way down to the stairs. "Without you I wouldn't be the man I am today. I wouldn't have had the courage to do this today. But you changed everything and im grateful for every minute of it." By now he is standing right in front of me, he reaches into his pocket and takes out a small velvet box, my mouth drops. And so does he, he goes down on one knee and says. "Allison Marcus. You are the love of my life. My rock and my other half of my heart. Allison, will you marry me?". By then all the girls are squealing and jumping up and down. He looks at me anxiously and he looks like his out of breath by the heavy breathing. My hand clamps over my mouth. I smile into it.

I nod, "yes. Yes I will marry you" I let out in delight. He grabs my hand and slips in the ring, he gets on his two feet and hugs me tightly, I place my hands on his cheeks and bring him closer to me. I give him a kiss on the lips, the feeling is so beautiful, its like the first time ive ever kissed him. We let go and hug each other. He lifts me up off the ground and twirls me around.

Adam just propsed to me. That's all that was going through my mind. "We would like all the graduates of 2014 to stand" we stood. "Place the tassel to the left side of the cap" we do as the Principle say. "Ladys and gentleman your graduates of 2014" we all cheer and throw our hats in the air. I hug Adam once more, and give him a peck on the lips.

After hours of congratulating, im finally home with the family and Adam eating dinner, his mum and dad joining us, "congratulations you two. I'm so happy for you guys." Jakes eyes going glassy. I give him a greatful smile, "thank you big brother" he smiles in return. "So engagement plans. Where when and who do we invite?" Mrs James askes. I forgot about all that. Why cant we not do one?

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