44. Seduction Is A Charm

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Adam's P.O.V

She's mad. But she isnt showing it. She is using seduction, and i might go crazy if she doesnt stop. Allison has been exageratting her hips making me go hard, oh and lets not forget the "almost" kisses she gives me. If I die today I will take her along with me.

"hey A", she gives me a blank look and walks by me, but of course burning me with her touch. "you cant stay mad at me forever" I mutter, she gives me a decious smirk, "im not mad Adam". lies, all lies. 

I smirk at the sudden idea that pops in my head, I stride over to her, pick her up and place her on the island, my lips attack hers feircly, she grabs my neck and pulls me towards her, her long lickable legs wrap around me waist, connecting our bodies together. 

i hear someone clearing their throat, she was the first to break the kiss, i pout and she smiles at my actions, there we go I say in my head, "if you two are going to make babies, have the decency to do it in a room not in the kitchen, on the island, where people eat. 

Allison's P.O.V

"if you two are going to make babies, have the decency to do it in a room not in the kitchen, on the island, where people eat. I roll my eyes at Jakes statement and hop of the island, I hear Adam mutter something but couldnt catch what he said, I sway my hips again to get a reaction out of my lovely boyfriend that im mad at. He grunts and follows me upstairs. "Im going out" I state, "where?" He questions. "No need to answer that" he frowns and I open my door and leave it for him to access, I walk over to my closet and pick out a bold red dress that ends to my knees and is one strapped with sparkles on the strap. I pick out black wedged pumps to finish the look, "thats awfully dressed up. Where are you going" I smirk and take off my top, his breath hitches, "there's this guy his name is Brad, he's throwing a party" I could practically feel his jealousy, "im coming with you" I shrug, I turn on the balls of my feet swiftly and walk into the bathroom to change my pants and do my hair.

30 minutes later and im all set for the night. I walk into my room to find Adam in a dress shirt, dark navy jeans and dress shoes, the leather jacket breaking the formal clothing. Ahh stereotypical bad boy ladies and gents, when he finally notices me, his eyes widen. "Where did you get the clothes from?" I ask. "Your brother let me borrow it, but the leather jacket is mine" he states, "of course its yours" I say sarcasticly. He chuckles and rolls his eyes. Without queue I walk out and my make my way downstairs to the garage where my car is kept. When I realise what car I drive a wind of embarrassment hits me, I can't drive a car thats older than my dad for god sakes. My head was exaggerating it a bit but it was practically junk. "You need a ride" Adam's eyes burning at the back of my head. I turn slowly and head towards his car, no answer needed.

The car was quiet. I didnt say anything and neither did he.

We arrived at the party, I got out and made my way towards the house, Adam closely behind me. I walk in and the smell of sweat and alcohol hits me, I cringe and grab a bottle of water, deciding not to get drunk because the last time I did, things happened that im likely to never forget.

"Your not drinking" Adam asked in confusion. I give him the stink eye and his face instantly softens, "im sorry. Asshole" he mutter the last word. I give him a small smile but wipe it instantly away, I make my way to the dance floor, moving to the rhythm, and eyeing Adam the whole time, he makes his way over to me and whispers, "your making this very hard on me A" his voice raspy. I smirk and place my back to his front. We move in sync and I could feel his heart racing.

Adam turn me in one motion, im facing him, my body pressed to his. "Its my turn to take the lead sunshine" his voice laced with seduction. His mouth comes down to mine in an instant, I try to pull away but he cages me in his arms, im surprised when I moan, making him smile.

When he pulls away, we are panting, "why dont we get out of here" he didnt wait for an answer, he grabs my hand and walks out of the party.

We were on the road, not sure where he is taking me, "where are we going?" Breaking the tension a little bit. "You'll see".

When we finally arrive, it's 8pm and its pitch black. We park in a carpark.

We start to walk, still not knowing where we are going. But then in the distance I see lights. I gasp as we get closer, I could feel his hand slip into mine, I was in awe to realise that he was holding my hand. "Its beautiful" I gasp once again. There were lights everywhere, lighting up the darkness. It was beautiful. Adam gives my hand a light squeeze and thats when I break my hand away from his. "A, baby, please forgive me" he wraps his arms around my waist and looks me in the eyes. I smirk and give him a light but meaningful kiss.

"So im guessing its a yes" he smirks. I nod and he gives me a tight hug. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too". Hugging me tighter.

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