35. Surprises Lots Of Surprises

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"Adam" I poked his cheek, In response I got a grunt and him rolling over. I rolled my eyes and sat up, I had a genius idea, I grabbed his left shoulder and pinned him on the bed, I straddled his waist and his eyes flung open. He smirked and scanned my chest area, completely forgetting I was butt naked. I blushed and crossed my arms across my chest to try and cover my clevage, "morning sunshine" he smirked. "Morning" I mumbled, I suddenly felt very anxious about my body. I lifted my legs and grabbed a hand full of the sheets and covered it, but I was quickly pulled back into Adam's chest, "dont leave me" possession in his voice. I nodded in response. "So what is the plan for today" I questioned. He smiled and looked down at me. "Its a surprise" he smirked. I glared at him but decided not to question him.

"Adam!" I squeal. He chuckles and pokes his head out the bathroom door. "Yes sunshine", I glare at him, "I swear im a girl and I dont take that long to do my damn hair" he squints his eyes and slams the door shut. I roll my eyes and slip into my shorts and oversized shirt which I tucked in, along with my all black converse. "Well if you need me sunshine" I mimick his word. "Ill be in the car waiting". I wait for a reply, but when I decide he doesnt want to answer I leave the hotel room and go down to the valet to receive the Range Rover. I mumble a thank you and drive down to the carpark and wait for the one and only Adam James.

For what felt like hours I finally spot Adam walking towards the car, I climb over the controls and slip Into the passenger seat. He climbs in and starts the engine. "You took your time" annoyance clear in my voice. "Well. Pretty hurts" I squint my eyes at his comment. "Okay Beyoncé. Where are you taking me?" A smirk is plastered onto his face. "Nu uh uh, whats a secret stays a secret" he laughs. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. I look at the window trying my hardest not to look at the perfection sitting next to me. I could feel his eyes burn holes in the back of my head, so I finally turn and face his beautiful eyes. My assumptions were right. He was staring directly at me, "is there something on my face?" I question. He grins, "no. You just...look beautiful. And I love my shirt on you" he laughs. I look down only to just realise it was his shirt. Damn. I wondered why it was way to big on me. I look up at him and smile. He turns his gaze back to the road when the lights turn green.

20 minutes pass including horrible Los Angeles traffic we finally got to a parking space near a beach. "You took me to the beach? I could of gotten my swimming costume if you told me. But no! You had to keep it a surprise because thats the kind-. "Allison!" I look up at him. "Yes sunshine" god I can't get over that word. "We arent going to the beach." I look at him confused. "Then why on earth did you bring me to the beach?" He rolls his eyes and grabs my shoulders to spin me swiftly around. My eyes automatically face the the Pier. I squeal and jump up and down. "Okay as cliché as that is. I love it" he cuckles, Adam wraps his arms around my waist and we make our way to the Pier.

"OH MY GOD! Look at the ferris wheel!" I squealed. He smiles and we walk inside the entrance. "Ok sunshine what would you like to do first" I think about it for a moment and then I know. "I want to eat" he chuckles and speaks up. "Usually girls would say win me a big teddy bear or lets ride the ferris wheel and kiss everytime it reaches the top. I frown at him and he chuckles again. "Well im not like most girls" I say blankly. He pulls me into his chest and looks down at me. "Your right, you arent like most girls" after saying every word he'd give me a quick peck on the lips. I smile and he drags me to the stalls that sell food. "What would you like". "Pizza" we both mumble. I look up at him and we both laugh. "We know each other so well" he smiles and nods. "Hi what would you like today" the guy at the register speaks. "Go on tell him what you want, ill have anything you'll get" I smile and look up at the board. "Um. I'll get one supreme and one margarita" he types it down. He looks up and smirks at me. "Sure thing any drinks for you beautiful" I widen my eyes at his comment and I could feel Adam tighten his grip on my waist. "Uh two cokes thanks" "sure thing gorgeous" at this point Im getting pretty annoyed. Adam grabs a hold of my waist and pull me into him. The guy gives him a glare and goes to the back of the stalls to make the pizza. "What a douche" he speaks. "Im sorry. I just. Can't help be attractive" I chuckle. "I swear he makes another comment about you I won't hesisate to punch him cold" I chuckle and rest me head on his chest, his head resting on my shoulder.

We waited for at least 15 minutes until our pizza was done. "Okay so here is your Supreme and Margarita, and cokes". "Okay. Lets go. Girlfriend" Adam speaks. The guy gives him a glare and he shoots one back. I quickly grap the cokes and pull Adam away. We find a table and sit down. I open the pizza and dig in, "damn. Thats one good pizza" I speak with my mouth full, he laughs at my actions and looks at me. "What now?" I question. "Nothing. Actually you have some sauce on the corner of your mouth" I chuckle and try to rub it off. "is it gone?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Here let me" he takes my face gently and wipes the sauce off of my mouth. I smiles and thank him.


we walk through the Pier, Allison deciding not wanting any stuffed animal. We walk over to a bench and sit facing towards the ocean. Today was an amazing day. "If you love god you'd give a penny the least to an old fragile woman" the woman speaks towards us. I felt Allison stiffen deside me. Was she scared of her?. I pulled out my wallet not minding. But Allison stops me.

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