7. Party hard

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Its been 2 hours since I was with Adam, I got home to dad and the boys looking at me weirdly. "Why are you soaked?" Dad says scanning me from head to toe. "Oh a car drove over a puddle and splashed me" "yeah yeah" dad said mockingly" "well you should clean up and get ready for tonight" Noah said through the kitchen "you need a 30 minute head start, because you know whatever you girls do and stuff" "copy that" I say with a salute. I run upstairs, hop into the shower, I jam out to Maroon 5. When im done I blow dry my hair and plan out my outfit in my head. I walk to the closet, nothing.  I have either worn it out for people to see or its just ugly, or to simple. "What am I supposed to do" I say quietly.  I go online and go through one of my favorite stores and find this perfect top. So I made a rational choice, im going to the mall. Okay so I have 2 hour to spare before I have to leave for the party. Okay so its a 10 minute drive to the mall, 5 minutes to find a spot and park and walk to my store, and I will need 30 minutes to shop and try on the shirt. I give my self a nod and run downstairs, grab my car keys, "BYE DAD SEE YOU IN 50 MINUTES OR SO". "OKAY" dad said from the backyard. I run out of the door and jump into the car I felt like I was in a spy movie. I drive onto the main road and turn the radio on, Adam Lambert is on, I sing along, I might of gotten a couple of looks but I didnt care. I pull up to the mall and park my car, I walk in and find the store, I go in and ask about the shirt, the lady ushers me to the shirt, I thank her and look for my size. "Where is my size?" I say to myself. Great.  They had no more in my size. I look around and nada. I walk out feeling annoyed so I go to the store next to the last one. Still nothing. So I convince myself to go to one more store. I walk in and look around, then,  there it was, a backless dress, its crossed over the front and its thigh high with a slit on both sides. I grab it and try it on, p-e-r-f-e-c-t. Oh my gosh I found the perfect outfit. I change back to my clothes and walk out, smiling like a accomplished something big. I look at the price. "79.99!" I say and all heads turn to me. I made the choice of either buying it and having to work off the money I spent, or dont buy it and go to the party with shitty clothes. I bought it, like who gives up the perfect little black dress. "Here you go, have a nice day" "I will" I said with the biggesf smirk on my face. I get home and look at my watch, I have 30 minutes to do my makeup and hair. I run upstairs, put makeup on, straighten my hair and grab my dress, I dont know why I didnt put on the dress before doing my makeup and hair. Im careful putting my head through the opening, so I dont smudge my makeup and make it look like Im auditioning for a role in a zombie movie" I finally put it on, zip the back and slip my feet into beige pumps. I walk down stairs, strutting my stuff, if I had any stuff. "Wow" dad said giving me a look of approval, that made me put my head even higher. "Okay Miss Victoria Secret, you done?" "Wait one more minute, let me just sink this in" I take a deep breath and let it out "yup im done" we walk out the door, walk down the drive way and get into the car.  Its a ten minute drive to Christopher's I think thats his name, its a ten minute drive to his house. We park down the street and his house it gigantic. I stick next to Noah while walking up to his house, "Okay so I need you to please step out of my personal bubble please" "well I've never been to his house, so its safe to stay close". Christopher welcome us, he walks us to the backyard to where the party is being held. "So you okay here" "yeah Adam should be here any minute" "wait I thought you meant by bringing a friend it would be Christy" "believe it or not I dont have just one friend.


Its been 10 minutes and Adam shows up at the party, I grab 2 beers and walk towards him,  he scans the crowed and finds me, he waves and walks to me, "hey, again" "he-. you look beautiful" I can feel my cheeks heat up. "Thanks" I say with a smile, "so would you like to dance?" "Id love to". We walk to the dance floor. We've danced to 4 songs. Adam pulls me aside, Im going to get another drink ill be right back. I nod in approval, but when I nodded everything went in circles. I was drunk. After 2 beers, or was it 3?. Then I had this sudden urge to go bathroom, I walk upstairs and when im about to set foot on top of the stairs, I miss a step and almost fall, someone wraps an arm around my waist and hand. "You okay" its Christopher "yeah do you know where the bathroom is?" He laughs and leads me to his room that has a toilet. I go in, when I was done, I felt a bit more aware what was going on. I walk out and I was about to open the door, but then Christopher slams the door closed again. I turn around and his face is so close to mine I get uncomfortable. "Now where do you think your going?" I dont speak, im frozen. He puts his hands on my shoulders and runs his hand down my arm, making me shiver. He grabs me b.y the shoulders and pushes me towards his bed. I scream Adams name out, but I dought anyone can hear me. He shoves me into his bed, I look frantically around for something to grab nothing. Christopher comes towards me, I kick him in the leg, he steps back and grabs his leg. That was my cue, I pull of out of his bed I run to the door I open it and sream "ADAM". Then Christopher grabs my mouth, locks the door and drags me back into his bed. He starts to unzip my dress, a tear comes down my eye, but before he could get any further, I finally hear the voice ive been dying to hear. "Allison?" "ADAM" I scream from every ounce of energy I have. I hear the door twist. It doesn't open because Christopher locked it, Adam bangs in the door,  then bursts through it. He looks at Christopher, who is on top of me, and me crying. He lunges towards Christopher and punching him cold. He goes unconsious, he gets off of him and grabs me, pulls me up and hugs me so tight I cry even more. "Thank you for.. saving me" I say while crying but managing a smile. He grabs me by the legs and lifts me up like a newely bride. I bury my face into his chest. I knew I was safe with him. We walk out of the house and he takes me to the car. "You cant go home like this" he tells me as he places me in the passenger seat gently. We drive down the main road and pull up to a motel. "Is this okay" I smile and give him a sign of approval. He walks out and into the motel lobby and gets us a room for me to spend the night to clean up my mess.

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