39. Abduction

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I woke up to the smell of omlette, I walk outside to see Adam. Shirtless. And cooking. God, he is so lickable. Why am I thinking about licking Adam?. Well if he didnt look like a person out of a magazine then you wouldn't my consciences spoke. I shrugged it off and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back. "Morning sunshine" his voice was raspy and sexy. "Morning" I answered back, he incircled my arms, his touch warm and soft. I sighed at his feel, I could feel his smirk, "today is our last day, unfortunately" I sighed in return. "Back to school" he said. "Back to drama" I replied. He chuckled and nodded. "Your making omlette? I like a guy that can cook." He smiled and flipped the omlette. "Damn Adam fancy" I smiled while looking at our delicious breakfast. I stood next to him to get a better view of the food. And him. God thoughs abs though, "want a taste?" I nodded eagerly. He took a spoon out of the drawer and he cut a piece and spoon fed me, but not before blowing on it. He is so adorable. The texture watered in my mouth. It was amazing, eyes grew wider at the taste and he smiled. "You like it?" "Like it? It's amazing. Why don't you cook more often at home!" He grinned. "Thats because we don't live together and I don't bother, but today I thought we could spend it together alone in this amazing hotel" he said coming closer, but I stopped him with my finger poking his chest. "We can do that after you finish these omlettes" he put his head down in defeat. "Okay but straight after. I smirked and nodded.

Adam's P.O.V

As Allison was eating, I was watching her every move. I finished long ago, and I was waiting for her to finish, when she took her last bite and swallowed, I jump out of my seat, causing the chair to fall back. I grabbed Allison's hand and pushed her againtst the table, I brought my lips to hers Feircely, I took her bottom lip between my teeth sucking on it. I wanted to do this all morning.

Allison's P.O.V

I ran my hands through his hair, tugging on it which caused him to growl. I smirked and tugged harded, he lifted me up, my legs circling his waist, he held me up, his hands holding my butt for support, I pulled closer to him. His hand giving me a squeeze every now and then, he started walking but not sure where, then I realised he was laying me onto our bed, my legs still tangled around his waist. His hands skimmed my side and my stomach causing me to moan, he smirked and left my lips to my neck, he started sucking causing me to gasp, he bit gently, I pulled harded on his hair causing another growl to errupt. I pulled onto his shirt until my hands went under the hem of his shirt, feeling his abs, then I did something I didn't know I was going to do, I turned him so I was straddling his waist, I pulled his shirt higher and kissed every ab, he groaned causing me to smile, I bit gently, he tugged on my hair causing me to moan, I moved my lower body up and down gently causing a moan every now and then, it felt good to be in charge.


We have been driving so far its been 2 hours, we still another 2 to get home. I was kind of curious about a car thats been behind us for the 2 hour drive, but I figured the person is going to the same destination as us.

Adam stopped at a gas station to fill up gas, "im going to the bathroom ill be right back" he smiled, "okay but be careful" I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. I walked past a very scary looking man, I walked quickly to the bathroom and locked the door.

When I was done I decided to buy myself and Adam some drinks and a snack, I picked up two Dr Peppers and chocolate bars, i felt hands fall onto my waist and another cupping my mouth, then suddenly I was dragged into the back of the store, I tried to scream but I couldn't, someone has placed a napkin over my mouth, I struggled but blacked out after minutes.

Adam's P.O.V

Its been atleast 5 minutes and I started to worry. I walk into the store and made my way to the bathroom, I nocked but the door was open and it was empty. I have walked around the store but A was no where to be seen. I started to panic a little, I pulled out my phone and dialed Allison's number, it rung but then hung up. She declined? I walked back to the car but she wasent there. Then. I saw the car thats been behind us the past 2 hours. I took this as my chance. I ran into my car and followed the car to where ever it was headed.

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