33. Los Angeles?

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I woke up to something poking my cheeks, I opened my eyes to Adam on his side, resting his arm on the bed for support. "Morning sunshine". I groaned and pushed him away, "go away." I muttered into the pillow. "Dont make me do this A" I could hear the ammusment in his voice, "do wha-" before I could finish my sentence, his fingers were murdering my sides. I was laughing, I tried to push him away but his grip became firmer. So the only thing I knew for him to stop was to kiss him, I grabbed his face and pulled his lips to mine. He let go of my side slowly and grasping my hips firmly. His mouth in sync with mine, my hands moved to his hair and tugging it. He growled and I laughed into the kiss. I pulled away and jumped out of his bed running towards his closet. I close it and hold the handles firmly so he can't get in. I heard foot steps and laughter,  he took a hold of the handle twisting it making my hand turn with it. Damn my tiny week hands. He opened the door and he looked at me for a bit before joining me into his closet. He grabbed my neck and pulled me towards me, his lips grasped onto mine fiercely and hungry. He took both my hands and dragged it up his arms to his neck, then his hair, he curled my fingers into his hair and tugged it causing him to moan. I smirked into his kiss and his hand roaming my body freely.

"Okay bodboy. I cant breathe" he chuckled and opened the closet. We came out his shirt off and so was mine, I felt relieved when I smelt fresh air. "Did I ever say id like you shirtless?" Adam asking me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, "once or twice" I laugh a little. "Okay since its saturday what do you want to do?" A smug look on his face. "I dont know" I answered. "Well we could spend the day making out. I sure as hell wont mind" taking a few steps closer to me, "and you could take off your bra and ill take off my pants" he grinned sending me a wink. I arch an eyebrow at him. He got closer until he was at least an inch away from me, he tugged onto my pyjama pants he gave me from his mum last night since I got cold. I traced his abdomen area and he came down to my ear, "we could just take all our clothes off and lay naked" I smirked but gasped a second later when he traced his tongue on the shell of my ear and sucking my earlobe. I let out a soft moan and scratched his abs lightly, causing him to growl. God I felt like the deer and Adam was the Lion. I pulled away before he could do any thing else. "Oh come on" Adam whined. I chuckled and spoke up, "no seriously I want to go out" pouting my lips. He smiled and grabbed my waist. "Okay princess, where would you like to go" I thought about it and then I knew what I wanted to do. "why dont we go on a trip" he raised his eyebrows and looked at me questiongly. "We could go to LA" it isnt that far just a few hours drive. He sighed and nodded. I squealed making him flinch, I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Take me home so I can pack" I said enthusiasticly. He smiled and nodded. "As you wish princess".

Adam took me home later in the afternoon to pack. It was a spur of the moment decision, but I've always wanted a little adventure. I climbed up the stares and packed everything I needed. Since It was was fall season carrying a jacket or two wouldn't hurt. I heard a knock on the door, Jake enters my room. "Hey little sis" I squint my eyes at him. "Im younger than you by a year and few months" I comment. Jake rolls his eyes and sighs. "So. Where you headed" I look at him confused. He gets the memo and points to my bag. "Oh! Im going to LA with Adam" he nods and asks, "okay so are you going to be okay?" I look at him yet again confused. "Why wouldn't I? I have Adam and were staying in a very well taken care of hotel" he nods again. "So why did you come in here?" I ask him what I wanted to ask since he stepped foot into my room. "Oh. Um... I was asking you for advise about this girl..." he trailed off. My eyes widen and jump up from the ground, "yes! Tell me all about this girl of yours" he chuckles and sits on my bed. "Okay so she's in my physics class hrr name is Rynaa and shes beautiful. Those eyes, her smile, her hair. Her body! God she is perfect" I smile for Jake. "Well Jake Marcus. Did you ask her out?" He looks at me with confusion written on his face. "Am I meant to?" I widen my eyes in horror. "I never really ask girls. They just..come to me" I click my tongue and sigh. "Well then mr I-can-get-whoever-I-desire, she then sounds different. You ask her. Im sure she wont say no" he smiles and hugs me. "Thanks lil sis" he breathes into my neck. I slap his back and he chuckles. "Well have fun at your trip, be safe and if Adam does something call me and ill be there" he smiles and he gets up and walks out.

Now. Time to pack for this trip.

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