24. Pictures, Pictures everywhere

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I was going to meet Adam at school today, so I had to get through the morning with the devils. They arent talking to me because their "reputation" is ruined. *Chuckle* their reputation is ruined? Im the one known as the quadrulsom brother whore in school. They have it easy, I heard some people come up to either of them giving them a thumbs up. Me. Well I just get dirties and....wait I had water thrown on me last week. The guy said "here you smell like slut clean up" God you should of seen Adams face, he was going to knock him unconsious. 

"Allison" I heard Nick call on the other side of the door. "I thought you werent talking to me" he's silent. "Well I need to use the bathroom and beside your bathroom and dads there is only 1. I sigh and open the door. He walks in with light in his eyes but a pull my arm out and smack his chest to stop. "Ow, what?" "What do you say?" He thinks about it like its the hardest question in the world. "Please. You idiot" he lets out a duh tone, "sorry and please" I smile and let him through.

I hear a buzz, my phone goes off, its Adam.

Adam: Hey you, we have a problem.

Me: what is it???

Adam: Carrie...she kinda put around the whole school photos of you and I.

Me: WHAT! ill be there in 5. Bye, love you.

Adam: LOVE YOU♡♡♡♡♡

I chuckle and run downstairs. "Okay dad I need to borrow your car, mines out of gas and I forgot" dad tilts his head but nods. "Fine but if a dent, scratch, anything I will....suspend your license for a week" I grunt, "fine dad now can I go?" I grab the keys out of his hand and bolt to the car.

I am running through the parking lot. I crash into someone, I look up to see who this clumpsy shit was. it was Adam. "We have got to stop crashing into each other" he said with a grin, pulling me up from the ground. "How is it I fall everytime and you dont?" He smiles, "Thats because im stronger and taller" he said in a obvious tone.

We walk fast to the school doors. I walk in to pictures everywhere. I actually thought I cussed when I saw what was infront of me. Why? Was all I thought. There were pictures of us that I didnt even remember that happened in that moment. I was furious.

I start ripping down the pictures. Some where normal, some were pictures of us kissing, there was one where me and Adam did it for the first time. I had tears running down my face, but wasent crying. Adam was helping me, I turned to him, he had rage writtin in his eyes. Pictures, pictures everywhere. I saw Carrie from the corner of my eye, giggling at Adam and I. I face her and walk towards her. I stop inches away from her. "Why?" Thats all I had to say. "Because" my breathing becomes heavier. "Because I gave you the chance to forgive me and you didnt" "so you stalk us this whole time, take photos and then put them up around the school? For what? So we can say were sorry?" I could feel the tears coming back up, my voice sounds scratchy. She just shrugs. I am furious. I curl my fist into a ball, tempted to hit her. If she says one more thing I might loose it. "Aw is little "A" getting mad" Thats it, that was all I needed to punch her in the jaw. She hit the ground hard. People gasped around me. I wanted to kick her, I was tempted to kick her. I pull my leg up ready, but I feel a hand grabbing my arm. It was Adam he pulls me back but I pull forward, trying to make me release me. But he is more powerful, I start to scream at Carrie, I was screaming bloody murder. I hated her, I wish she could drop dead. She dropped but wasent dead. Adam pulls me into his arms, strocking my back, soothing my rage. It finally goes and I start to cry. He walks me out, still held tight in his arms. He walks me over to the stands. He goes underneath it. He pulls away and sits on the ground. He ushers me to sit next to him. I sit and place my head on his chest. "You do know stalking someone, invading their privacy its a criminal offence. We could take it to police and they could deal with her" I smile a little, imagining her ass getting thrown in jail. But the smile quickly fades away when Adam says "but I don't think you could get thrown into jail for it".

He sits there and I lay on his chest for the whole period right into our break. I didnt feel like facing the school. Before I could say anything Adam beats me to it. "I think we should stay here. I brought food so you dont go hungry" I smile and look up at him. "What about you?" I say with a small voice. "I can handle the 5 hours" with a small smile on his face. I reach up and kiss his soft lips. Then something reminded me. One of the pictures in the school of us was us two under the stands. Carrie knew where our secret spot was. And I was mad all over again.

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