17. "Get Away From Her"

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Its finally lunch, I get out to find Adam gone. The first person that comes to my head is Carrie. I panic a little not knowing what she might do. I pull my phone out and text Adam.

Me: hey Adam where did you go?

He has not answered.

I walk around the school trying to act normal, I walk to a corner and I here kissing noises, I pray for it not to be Adam and Carrie, I walk slowly and peek over. It wasent them. It was Christy and a boy. I pull back instantly and cover my mouth from laughing out loud. I walk quickly away. Shaking my head and I walk into the hallway, my eyes glued to my phone. I crash into someone and drop my phone I bend down muttering swear words and about to look up to tell who ever pushed me off, I look up to Adam staring down. "You shouldn't text while walking" "you shouldn't bump into people while their texting" I let out a small sigh in relief. He looks worried, I can tell it from his eyes. "Whats wrong?" "Can we talk somewhere private?" "Sure" my voice sounds shaky, I grabs my hand and walks out the back door to the stands, that was the first place when he got close and personal with me. He points to a chair and I sit "okay look I dont know how to say this but...she...kissed me" I suddenly feel like a rock is in my throught, chocking me. "Who? Carrie?" I say getting up "Yes...but I swear I didnt start it, she came up to me all worried and puppied eyed, she told me to go somewhere private so we can talk and we did. She started to cry, and I gave her a quick hug and then she just...kissed me" I felt rage over-taking my body, she needed to pay. Badly. "would you forgive me?" "Of course, its not your fault a desperate skank wants you" "I should of believed you the first time" "its okay you know what shes like now". And with that I got up and hugged him. I could feel his guilt, he let go and looked me in the eyes, with a small smirk, "you want to go to a party? But I promise you Christopher is not invited" I smile a little "yeah id love too" he walked out, our hands are still locked in place. I was happy but still mad at Carrie. But im thankful Adam knows now what a little whore she is.


Last period finishes and Adam drives me home. "Okay so I will pick you up at 7 and we can leave the party whenever your ready". "Okay sounds good, but im never drinking...ever." he let out a small laugh. We stop at a gas station. "Im just going go fill up gas, do you want anything from inside?" "No thanks" he gets out, walks to the side of the car and fills the car. He walks into the convenience store to pay. I wait for him, then out the corner of my eye I see someone, farmiliar, it was Christopher. My heart starts to beat a little faster. He stares directly at me and starts to walk towards me. I look around to see what I can grab just incase he has a go at me...again. I lock the car door just as he nocks on the window. "Allison can we talk" "I have nothing to say to you" "thats fine, then ill talk" I open a window I little bit so he doesnt do anything unexpected. "Look, im sorry for what I did, I was drunk and stupid" "you weren't drunk" I mutter "what?" "I said, you. Werent. Drunk... you said it youd damn self that day" he goes solemn "well im sorry" "a sorry wont make up for what you did" he doesnt answer "you were about to....rape me" my voice is going scratchy, I could feel the tears at the door of my eyes. "Hey! What on earth are you doing here talking to Allison" "back of man I want to explain" "no, you explained enough "man" back off and dont ever talk to her again" Adams face was only inches away from Christopher's. Christopher's adam apple bobs up and down, dulping. "Get away from her" Adam whispers. Christopher looks at me and then walks away. I unlock the car and run into Adams arms, I let out the tears that were fighting their way out. He brushes my hair and hugs me tighter. He pulls away "are you okay? Did he threaten you?" "No...no he didn't" he lets out a relief sigh and walks me back to his car. We drive off, he is holding my hand the whole car ride back. I really did feel safe with him.

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