26. Confession

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Its a Friday, I finally had the balls and set Carrie straight.

I walk through the doors of the school. The incident is still fresh in peoples mind, I would either get death stares or congratulations. People came up to me saying "congrats on the girl" or I even got a girl saying "whos the whore" that just made me mad. I walk over to Carrie's locker, as expected she was there. I grab her arm, she lets out a gasp but I keep dragging her out to the back of the school. When im sure our voices wouldnt be heard I face Carrie deeply into her eyes. "If you want to make out im all for it just dont mention it to your little raise of sunshine" she plants a smirk on her face. I roll my eyes and chuckle. "Okay get to the point, how did you take all those pictures of Allison and I. I would understand in public, but when im in her bedroom or shes in mine..." she grins. And that makes me want to slap her evil look on her face. What can I do? When my girl is terrified and heart broken I have the urge to slap/punch however did this to her. But I keep my hands firm by my side, but very tempted. "Okay so before I went to this school I went to a private school. I had a friend by the name of Kent" im sure that name sounded farmiliar. "When I told him I was moving to Colton High, he told me to look out for you" now I remember, Kent McConner. He was my best friend back in middle school, but when it came time to choosing high school, we went our seperate ways. His parents wanted him in a private school. "He showed me a picture and I couldn't help but...fall for you. He gave me your home adress so I could meet you one day. When I met you on the first day when I came here, after school I went over to your house and no one was there, now that I think about it, you were probably with Allison. So that was my chance I climbed up to your window and it was opened, I climbed in and screwed security cameras on the right hand corner of the room. Now Allison was a little hard. I had to go through the school files to get her address, that's another long story. But when I came to her house like expected she was out with you. I asked her dad if I could go upstairs to "grab the books of mine she never returned" and without hesitstion her dad did so. I went up and her bedroom was lighter than yours so I had to hide it somewhere harder. I hid it under this box on her desk that had a whole. I went out I grabbed any book so I didnt look...suspicious.

I blink a couple of times before getting back into reality. "Your a mad" was what came out of my mouth. She opens her mouty to rebut but closes it. "Having a crush on me is fine. But going around planting fucking cameras in our room like a case.. thats just fucking mad. What gave you the nerve to do that. Alot of thing we and our selves did were private. Your a mad crazy bitch Carrie" she has a look of shock in her face.

I turn and walk out.

At the end of school I am waiting for A, she spots me and walks quickly to me. "Did she tell you?" I nod and say "ill tell you everything at my house.

When we arrive at my house we walk quickly upstairs and I lock the door. She sits on the bed and pats a seat next to her. I dont hesitate I sit and she has the look in her eyes thats telling me to spill my heart out. I do so, I tell her everything from begginning to end.

When Im done explaining, she just looks at me with a bland face. She turns and starts to look at my ceiling. "What are you doing" I ask confusingly. "Im looking for the camera" I get up and look with her.

It took longer than expected but we eventually found it. I run to my toolbox and grab a screw to unscrew the bolts. She pulls a chair from my desk and I climb on it.

When the camera is in my hand and place it on the ground and grab my hammer and corrupt the camera. When it's in bits and scoop it up and throw it in the trash. Allison walks into my arms and I squeeze her tight. "She saw everything we did" he voice sounding small. "I know and im sorry" she looks up at me in confusion "why are you sorry? The only thing you should appologize for is for being so damn gorgeous" she says with a giggle. I smile and kiss her lips. Now it was Allison's room next.

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