6. Wet n Wild

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Yeaturday was pretty big, Adam started to cry, I told him about my family and ive only ever told Christy.

As usual I wake up to the sound of my brothers. Nick is playing his drums in his room, Jake is singing in the shower and Noah thankfully is in his room not making an- *loud adam lambert music starts to play* I spoke to soon... "Hunny what do you want for breakfast" dad says faintly in the hallway "sorry dad?" He doesnt answer "dad" still no answer. I get up and walk out side my room to see my dad on his phone waiting for me to reply "dad?" "Oh sorry hunny so what do you want?" "Some piece and quiet thats for sure" I say quietly but loud enough for dad to hear me "no silly" dad jokingly "I meant for breakfast" "scrambled eggs would be just fine dad" "okay be down in 10 okay?" "Sure" I go back into my room. I hate weekends. "Allison can I borrow money?" Noah shows up at my door "What for?" "Ben is having a party and im in charge of beverages" "only if im invited and you save me a beer ill give you money" Noah groans and jumps a little like he has adrenaline running through him "fine fine just give me money" I pull out my wallet "is $30 okay?" "Yeah thats fine" Noah says with the biggest smile on his face, as he walks out "oh and im bringing a friend and expecting beer for them too" "okay ill save a beer for you and Christy" I freeze for a minute, the thing is I wasent thinking about bringing Christy I was thinking about Adam..


After breakfast I get a text from Adam

Adam: Hey 'A' wanna hang out today?

Me: Sure where to?

Adam: I'll pick you up in about 15 min and you'll see where soon

I smile a little and excited. Then I realise Im still in my pyjamas and my hair is a afro and no makeup what so ever. I sprint up stairs go into my room and open my closet. "Wait how do I know what im supposed to wear" I say quitely. As I pull my phone out Adam has already beat me

Adam: Oh and wear something your okay with getting wet

I think what possible thing we would do that would requires water and fully clothed. I look at my closet and pick out denim shorts and a quarter length white and blue striped T-shirt with cute gumboots just in case. I put on makeup but waterproof, I dont want to look like im auditioning for a role in a zombie movie so waterproof makeup is perfect. I keep my hair the way it is so if it gets wet I wont worry about it going frizzy after its been straightened.


15 minutes exactly Adam is at the door knocking. I hear it from upstrairs and Noah answers the door. I just knew he would give him the twin talk and tell him to take care of me even though we arent dating...

"Hey you here for Jake?" Noah asks clearly note realising he knows that im friends with Adam "uh no you must be Noah hi im Adam James, im here for Allison" "oh so you a thing now?" "What?" Adam asks confusingly. Before Noah could say anymore I interupt their conversation "Adam hey" he looks at me first abserving my face and then scans my body he smiles "appropriate clothes you chose.. especially the shoes" im confused until I realise Im wearing gumboots. I give him a mocking smile and slip through Noah like he isnt there "well Noah ill be off with my FRIEND" exaggerating the last word. He finally catches up and gives my an approval. I close the door and walk outside. "Sorry having only brothers especially one being my twin they can get a bit over protective" he smiles and opens the car for me. I get in and wait for him to get inside, still amazed by the car. "Its okay I can respect that.. anyways not like we are dating or anything" his laugh goes shaky "yeah exactly". The ride is silent, im guessing he is still abit iffy about yesterdays incident. Then he breaks the silence "hey look sorry about yesterday im not usually that open about my life and all" "its fine im just glad you could trust me to tell me" "you too about your mum im glad you shared it with me" we smile and he then keeps his eye on the road "so where are we headed to?" He grins "okay so you see that water park that opened up?" "Yeah?" my voice rising in excitement "well we are going there" "oh my gosh im so excited!" I sound like a 5 year old "wait but why not swimming costume not clothes?" "Well it'll be fun if we just ran in the water with clothes on" he says smirking.

We get to the park and theres a fountain and small pools everywhere. He gets out and opens the door "you know I could get use to this door thing" he smiles and he walk next to me shoulders touching "wait but your wearing full leather?" "Well it wont soak since its leather and when it gets cold the sun can heat me up from the colour. "Ohh smart" why didnt I think of that? "Ill race you to the fountian" he says and hes off I run after him and catch up to him, Adam sprays me with water and block it with my hand but gets my shirt, I laugh and kick the water onto his face he spits water out of his mouth and screams "im going to get you" I laugh and scream while he runs after me I run into the shallow pool he comes after me and I move slower in the water so he catches up to me and warps his hands around my waist and drags me up out of the water he spins and gets dizzy, looses his balance and we fall into the water im on top of him I look down at him and say "karma bitch" he laughs and throws me off of him and grabs my arms and pulls me up he looks at me with a small smirk and runs away from me I smile and run after him he goes onto the grass and stops to take a breath I stop behind him and he turns around, we both laugh he stops before me and looks at me until a breeze comes in, I shiver and cross my arms he puts both hands on my shoulder and rubs my arms to keep me warm I let out a small laugh but it works. He takes off his jacket thats pretty soaked and wraps it around me. The inside is warm from him wearing it. "Thanks" "for what?" "For all this I needed it, I needed to get away from my brothers for once" I laugh a little "well Im glade your injoying your day with me" I smile and remember Noahs friends party "oh hey my brothers friend is having this party at night I was wondering if you wanted to come?" "Yeah sure that will be fun" he said with a smile "great so I'll pick you up?" "No its okay my brother is driving me ill just meet you there" he smiles in approval.  We walk back to his car and takes me home.

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