Chapter 11

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"I won't do it again okay? I'm sorry." Jesy was speaking to her parents while the people cleaned up the table and washed dishes after dinner.

Jade was sitting next to her, still struggling to eat. I don't want anymore. The coach had told their dad about Jesy skipping practice to go hang with Leigh and her elder sister. Their father seemed to have found that concerning. He did not usually allow his girls to roam London without his or their mum's supervision so he had spoken to Jesy about never doing that again over their dinner. Their mother had agreed and had told Jesy that if she had practice that she should stay for her practice. I did my part in defending her. Jade had tried to tell them that Sairah had had something important to show Leigh and Jesy but that was all she had said.

Mrs. Thirlwall finished wiping the table to look at Jesy. First she fights in school and now she's skipping practice? It felt like ever since Jesy decided to be best friends with this Leigh-Anne that the girl had sort of taken a shift to the bad side. "I'm glad that you understand that what you did was wrong. Could you explain to us why you did it again sweetheart?"

Jesy rubbed behind her neck. "Leigh-Anne's sister took us to meet her friends. They um . . ." She was searching for an excuse but none was coming. In all honesty, I love that she brought us to them. She felt a whole lot more comfortable with being lesbian. We're not alone. They just had to keep it secret until the time felt right.

Jade rolled her eyes. Jesy was horrible at this. "She was just feeling a little rebellious today. She wanted to hang out with Leigh-Anne instead of going to practice and it just so happened that Leigh's sister had come to pick her up. Instead of taking Leigh home she took Leigh and Jesy out for ice cream when she saw Jesy with Leigh."

Mr. Thirlwall dried his hands after washing up. He faced his girls after standing next to his wife. "Ice cream?"

Jesy wished they had gotten ice cream. "Yeah but it won't happen again." They can't know that we were getting advice from fellow gays.

The parents shared skeptical looks. "Are you sure it was just that? The coach had an interesting description of what Leigh-Anne's sister looked like. Did she really have two extra piercings in her ears?" Mr. Thirlwall asked with narrowed eyes.

Jesy smiled and nodded. "She's so cool! She doesn't wear them at school but she wears them when she goes out. She told us that she wants to pierce her tongue and her nose and her belly-"

Jade started to cough. "Not helping sis. Not- *cough* helping." She said the words softly in between.

Jesy thought of it. Hmm maybe she sounds too edgy. She cringed a bit at her parents.

The father did not like this. He didn't like this at all. "You think that it's cool to have so many piercings while still being in high school Jessica?"

Jesy shrunk. "Uhhh . . . yeah?"

"Are you sure that it was just ice cream? Who were these friends she made you two meet?" Their mother questioned. Her Jesy had come home chewing gum. Gum in itself was not so bad but the fact of the matter was that she did not usually chew gum. Did Leigh's sister influence her into doing that? Was Jesy looking up to this girl as a role model?

Jade wanted to face-palm. Why did Jesy say 'yes' to that? "They were Sairah's friends from school weren't they?"

Jesy nodded. "They were all nice. They helped her pay for the ice cream." She smiled nervously. I feel like I'm good at this lying thing though.

Their parents looked at each other again. Mrs. Thirlwall seemed very concerned while the father appeared more serious.

"Jesy don't ever go around following Leigh-Anne's sister again okay? I don't feel as if she's a good role model." The father just did not want his daughter mixing with the wrong crowds. Being with Leigh-Anne made her want to fight but I don't feel as if that's directly Leigh-Anne's fault. He had been a little skeptical about Leigh-Anne since the girl's dad had brought her in. To him her father seemed . . . a little bit off.

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