Chapter 39

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Jade was holding Jesy's hand as the girl sat at the edge of a hospital bed after all of her tests. They were currently waiting for the results.

"Does it hurt?" Jade asked her sister who was staring at the new bandage she had on her wrist. As soon as they had met Nicole here, Jade had told her about Jesy's accidental deep cut last night and the woman had instantly called for some nurses to inspect it. It had been bleeding again so Jade was grateful for their help. Now her sister had stitches in her wrist and a new bandage. Mam and Dad have to come pick us up. Kill me now. Nicole could only keep it secret so long. Since they were at the hospital and their credit cards were frozen, their parents had to be alerted of this.

"Yeah a little . . . a lot. But it'd been aching all day." Jesy was not wearing her blazer so she could see her wrist fully. The skin surrounding the bandage was red and she was worried that that meant she was dying. "Do you think Mum and Dad will be mad?" She asked her sister with her green eyes holding worry.

Jade sighed. "Jes I don't know. I think we should just focus on getting the results right now." She was pretty nervous right now but she wouldn't show it.

Jesy took a deep breath then blew it out through her lips. "Okay." She kept staring at her wrist. "Thanks Jade."

Jade was not sure why she was thanking her. "For what." She was rubbing the girl's arm.

"For always being there no matter what." Jesy met her eyes with hers.

Jade stared at her.

Jesy gradually smiled. "I don't think that a regular person would jump into action instantly if someone came to their door with a wrist pouring out blood. When you instantly started helping I felt a lot safer so . . . thank you."

Jade's expression softened. "No problem . . . I mean . . . if I'm not there for you then what am I doing you know?" She hugged her sister.

Jesy held her dearly.

The door swung open then and Nicole entered with another doctor behind her. "Hey girls. How are we doing?" She asked with a smile and a pleasant voice.

The sisters stopped their hugging to look nervously towards her. "Good." They said like two little children.

"Good?" Nicole said while moving in. The doctor at her side was male and he had been there while the testing had been happening. "Nervous?" She asked Jade with a smile.

Jade blushed while she nodded small.

Nicole and the doctor laughed together.

"Nothing to be nervous about." The male said. He was called Dr West and was much older than Nicole. "Your results are in and knowing what they are will help you to deal with yourself better." He sounded calm and casual like Nicole.

Jesy nodded the same way that Jade had earlier.

"Okay do you want to wait for your parents to come in before we tell you or should we go ahead and tell you before we fill them in?" Nicole asked them first.

"We can hear it now." Jade was holding Jesy's hand in the girl's lap.

"Alright then." Nicole rubbed her hands together. "Jesy you do indeed have a form of depression or well several forms actually, according the tests coupled with what you've told me."

Jesy gulped.

Dr West had been holding a yellow envelope the entire time. He opened it and handed Jesy a picture of her brain scanning. "This shows the depression. Can you see it? Right here?"

Jesy didn't understand what she was looking at. "Uhh okay?"

"Yes you do have depression and based on what you and I have discussed together, it seems to be Smiling Depression." Nicole explained to her.

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