Chapter 30

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So on Friday Leigh stayed home with her sister. It was true, Sairah and her mom actually saw eye to eye to make an agreement for her to stay with her sister until Monday. Leigh was very grateful for their cooperation but she kind of wished that she could stay longer. Don't get me wrong. I love my mum with all my heart but . . . She just felt that her mom knew about her and Jesy and was just hiding it so that when she had her alone she could beat on her. She said she'd never hurt me but . . . She started feeling nervous again. Just calm down.

"Hey there pretty girl. Feeling up for a good meal?" Sairah entered the room with a tray of soup in hand.

Leigh tried a smile before saying a quiet; "Okay."

So her sister sat on her bed and set the tray in front of her. "I see you're enjoying having your own TV in your room." She smiled and used a hand to smooth some of Leigh's hair down. It was in a messy bun.

Leigh chuckled while looking at the cartoon which was playing. "Guess you could say it's pretty rad."

Sairah laughed at her. "You using American phrases is like my favourite thing." She adjusted herself more so she could sit in front of Leigh. "Come on let me feed you. You've barely eaten all day and I'm starting to think that you'll end up with serious issues." She took a spoonful of the soup to put at Leigh's lips.

Leigh sighed. "I can feed myself you know. I'm not a little kid anymore." She took the spoon and the bowl and placed it on her lap.

Sairah pouted. "But I like taking care of you."

Leigh smiled at her. "That's cute." She put the spoon in her mouth and cringed.

"What is it bad? I thought it would taste good. The can said it was 'yummy'." Sairah seemed kind of nervous now.

Leigh licked her lips. "It's fine but I'm just not in the mood to eat." She put the bowl back on the tray and rubbed her stomach. "It's like once you miss one meal you just can't have any others you know? Sucks to be honest." She moved herself more to the upper end of the bed and rested her back against a pillow.

"And this is why I have to feed you. You already got out of breakfast Leigh. I'm not letting you miss more meals." Sairah came further up and began to feed her.

While Leigh ate she wondered about something. Perrie says she doesn't want to go to the party anymore. Should I invite her over? That would be nice. Leigh could not help but get the impression that her younger friend felt extremely lonely at home. She misses her parents but she doesn't want to show it. It would be nice for Perrie to have a lot of company around her on Saturday. "Hey Sa-"

"Ooo it's about time for school to close isn't it?" Sairah said with a smirk. "Your friends might be coming over to see you. Jade, Perrie . . . what's the other one's name . . . Jesy?" She snickered to herself.

Leigh blushed at the mention of Jesy's name then quickly thought of all the kisses they had ever shared. Jesy . . . "I don't think they'll come by." She looked over to her side.

"And why wouldn't they?"

Leigh looked at her. "I'm kind of gross right now you know. Jade probably told them that I could blow at any minute." She felt really bad about how grossed out Jade seemed when she had been being sick. I mean she'd been nice but . . .

Sairah laughed. "Oh come on. Jade didn't mean to hurt your feelings. She just found your throw up icky. It's not her fault. She's probably one of those squeamish germaphobes." She brought some more soup close to Leigh's lips.

Leigh put her mouth over the spoon and swallowed everything on it quickly. Apparently she was hungry. "Well I guess so." Her little dog jumped onto her bed then and Leigh welcomed him onto her lap. "I'm not really in the mood for visitors though." She mumbled. Especially not Jesy . . .

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