Chapter 38

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Most of what consumed Debbie's mind these days was worry about the possibility of her youngest daughter running away to live with her middle daughter. I know there's a trial already. The woman thought while chewing her lip and stirring what was in the pot for dinner. Whenever Leigh seemed to be late for dinner she would get more worried. She just could not handle her Lee-Lee being taken from her. If that happened she did not know what she would do.

"Mum I'm home!" Leigh came into the kitchen then.

Debbie breathed a sigh of relief before looking over her shoulder at her girl. "Hello darling. How was school today?" When I called her I heard very familiar voices. And she did not like it. She would bring it up to the girl but she was sure it would make her anxious. So because of that I'll just have to call the prodigal daughter to find out what's really going on. Why couldn't Sairah just leave Leigh alone?

Leigh came to her and kissed her on the cheek before receiving a kiss there. "It was quite good Mum. Thanks for asking." She smiled up at the woman. Do you know?! Do you know?! If her mum knew she would not be acting this way would she? She may be. She needed to relax. I wonder if their plan worked. She needed to message Perrie to get the inside scoop on what was happening with Jesy and Jade. "How was work?"

"Tiresome but such is life." Debbie said pleasantly.

Leigh nodded. "All in a day's work I suppose." She started moving off to her room. "I'm going to change to come back okay Mum?"

"Alright Lee-Lee I'll be waiting for you. I really need more hands on board with this dinner." Debbie called as the girl disappeared.

The mother kept stirring the pot and thinking of how she could make sure that she and Leigh's relationship kept strong so the girl would never leave her. She's got to leave at some point but I wouldn't want her to leave and for the two of us to be on bad terms. She had not been lying when she'd said she'd needed Leigh.

Her phone started to ring on the table then and she turned the fire low on what she had on the stove to answer it.


"Debbie it's Janice."

Debbie would smile at the fact that her new friend was calling her but Janice sounded kind of tense. "Is everything alright?"

"No because I know exactly what's been going on with my Jesy and it's your fault."

Debbie frowned. "Me?? What did I do? I haven't done a thing to your girls. How could you blame me-"

"Debbie you're Leigh-Anne's mother and you allowed her to be exposed to inappropriate content at a very young age and it messed up my Jesy and ruined her! The minute she became immobile and depressed I should have realized that it was the same sort of behaviour that happened after your little monster left her life! You ruined everything and now you and her are back and Jesy is messed up again!" Janice was practically yelling.

Debbie listened to this and then it all came back! The little girl that Leigh had been 'in love with' all those years ago was called Jesy Thirlwall! And this was her mother! Janice Thirlwall!! "Now hold on now! Don't be coming for my parenting or dropping names on Leigh like that! Leigh-Anne is no monster alright?! She is a good girl and I have no idea how she ended up feeling that way towards your Jesy but what I can say for sure is that Jesy was the one who was influencing my child wrongly for the whole thing! Things that Lee-Lee would never do before she would do because of Jesy!"

"No! Jesy would have never fought in school and she did the second she met your girl! Leigh-Anne messed up Jesy and now she's back and they're together again and Jesy is messed up again! Leaving late at night to meet her and all of that!"

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