Chapter 26

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At transition period at school, Jesy was the first to run out of her class.

"Whoa easy there Jes. Wait for the rest of us!" Prodigy chased her.

The others strolled behind with confused expressions on. Not one of them had forgotten the girl's sudden outburst at lunch yesterday.

"So she really gave Leigh-Anne that name?" Ray asked looking down at Yoongi. He seemed to be the one taking note of these the most.

Yoongi watched Jesy push through people. I wonder what's the hurry . . . "Seems so . . ."

"Aww they must have been best friends for sure." Jin was on his phone sending messages to people. "I wonder why they had to be separated. Do you think it was a curse? Like if they are ever together again it will cause an explosion or something and that is why they are not allowed to associate with each other? Africa is known for their voodoo-"

"Man she's not actually from Africa you know." Ray Ray couldn't believe that Jin still believed this.

Jin stared at him plainly.

Michael patted his chin. "Guys I'm beginning to think that Jesy and Leigh used to date as ki-"

"ENOUGH!" Jin exclaimed. He pushed Michael down in fury.

No one understood why he got so worked up.

Yoongi had been very intrigued with what Michael was saying. What was wrong with this mad man?

Jin smiled at them. "Let us talk about something less confusing. And by something less confusing I mean something amazing and more important. And by something-"

"Get to the point Jin!" Ray snapped.

"My party on Saturday! Woot! Woot!" Jin raised his hands up and down to show excitement. "I have already started the chain message so that everyone will know of my invitation distribution. I shall begin doing so on Thursday. Watch, watch, I have decorated my message with emojies" He pushed it in Yoongi's face.

Yoongi cringed. "Yes that is very nice Jin."

Jin smiled.

Michael frowned at something on the message. "The very well-known and talked about Perrie, Jade, Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Jimin will be there? Why does that need to be advertised?"

"Because it will encourage people to come." Jin was proud of himself. He put his phone away. "Now where has our queen gone?"

Where their queen had gone . . .

Jesy hoped that Jade would not be anywhere near- wait a minute. I'm basically running towards her class! They're taking the same subjects! Should she abort?

The girl stopped at the entrance of the class where some students were still filing out. Leigh did not seem to be there and neither did Jade. Where is she? Jesy ran to where she believed Leigh's locker was.

She smiled once she saw the girl's back. She's talking to Perrie but I should be able to snatch her. They needed to at least be friends. She could not function knowing that her Chubs was back and she could not interact with her. Yes I'm weak! Sue me!

Leigh was smiling and talking to Perrie like she usually did before her next class. "Yeah it's fun and your lips are soft but . . ." Her smile dimmed. "I feel like it's a little too risky to keep doing it."

Perrie frowned. She had been telling Leigh about what should be their plans for this afternoon. "Why? Your mam doesn't live at my place."

Leigh shrunk. "Well I don't know. She can sense things. She might be able to tell when-ahh!" She screeched because she felt herself get lifted from behind.

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