Chapter 44

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The waiting room of the hospital was filled at three a.m. Everyone who'd been out searching for Jesy was filling it.

"She's alive and that's all that matters right?" Debbie was saying to Janice, rubbing her back as the woman pressed elbows in her lap and sulked.

"It should be but I don't believe she's in her right mind at all." Norman had contacted the police and everything earlier to tell them that they had found his daughter. He had an ice pack at his forehead right now, still recovering from when he fainted at the state of his precious little girl.

"Well whatever other issues which might be present will have to be worked on while she's recovering. Things will be hard before they're good." John told Janice from next to his ex-wife.

Janice had her hands clasped at her lips at the moment. She had just never imagined that she would be one of those parents whose child went missing and was not in a good state when they were found. Jesy was so broken. Jade and the others had informed her that they had found Jesy swimming into icy water without thinking and that she didn't seem to remember it. That sounded pretty extreme to Janice. They said that she most likely fainted from hunger but I can't be too sure.

Jade played with her thumbs at the other side of the waiting room where the teens sat.

"Y'all don't even know how relieved I am that she's alive." Prodigy said with his head resting back on the wall.

"Yeah me too. But I didn't cry as much as you did when Jimin called saying they found her." Ray nudged Prodigy.

Prodigy started tearing up again.

"Aww. Don't break down man. You're gonna make me cry again." Michael said as his tears came to his eyes.

Leigh-Anne finished her lollipop an hour ago but she held onto the stick. She also had Jesy's unfinished lollipop in her other hand. Jesy . . . She hoped that the girl would be okay soon. Something was terribly wrong with Jesy. I just want you to be healthy Jes.

Janice looked forward and noticed that Leigh-Anne seemed just as worried as she did.

Leigh kept biting her lip and staring downwards. After you're all better I'll be with you okay Jes? All fears need to be shoved aside. Life's too short to be afraid to love who you want. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to her side, seeing her sister there.

"She'll be fine . . . eventually." Sairah assured her with sleepy eyes.

Leigh-Anne smiled a bit, liking that a lot of her worries were taken care of. She looked and saw her parents sitting together. She was allowed to spend time with her other family members again and they all agreed to get along. That made her smile grow more.

She turned to her side and saw Jesy's friends speaking in relief and then Jade sleeping on Perrie's shoulder with Perrie occasionally kissing the girl's nose.

Perrie's eyes locked onto hers and she grinned reassuringly.

Leigh smiled back at her, happy that she finally got to have Jade. Congrats Pez. You deserve her. She stared forward again and saw Jesy's mom looking right at her Oh goodness. That startled her.

Janice kept eyes on her.

Leigh did not know what to do. She eventually rubbed her arm awkwardly before mouthing 'she'll be fine' to the woman. Had she even ever spoken to Jesy's mom?  She did not recall.  Maybe the first time I went to her house when we were kids . . .

Janice's face relaxed somewhat but she seemed saddened. Leigh saw her mouth an 'I'm sorry' and it took her by surprise.

Leigh-Anne was not sure of why she was apologizing but she told her that it was okay.  She then looked away feeling kind of awkward.

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