Chapter 36

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"I gotta say she wasn't as shitty and hypocritical as I thought she would be." It was Saturday after Jesy's session when she said this while eating a cup of ice cream on a bench between Jade and Perrie at the mall.

The rest of the week went by without too many upsets. Leigh had come back to school seeming better and the student body had seemed a little more tamed since they had not really been up to much.

"Jesy you're lying. She wasn't hypocritical at all. I know because I talked to her about the universal problems of youth before you and Jade came in. She's not a white old man hypocrite person like Dr Phil or whatever that fake they show on the tele's name is. She's woke, black and a woman. A gay woman at that." Perrie licked off the rest of her chocolate ice cream from her spoon.

Jade laughed at Perrie's rudeness. "Did you really just disrespect Dr Phil?" She had to say, being away from their parents was really proving to be healthy for her and Jesy. They hadn't spoken to them for the rest of the week and she had started forgetting about her anger towards them. It was Jesy's idea to not think of the things they did to make us angry. So now they were living as if they didn't exist. Yeah we message them to say we're okay now and then but . . . hmm have they given up on getting us to come back? That appeared to be the case but that wouldn't make sense. Hmm oh well. I'll keep ignoring them.

"Uhh yeah! What part of coloured women are better don't you understand?" Perrie said leaning forward to get a better look at Jade. She had taken one glance at Nicole and had decided that she needed to f*ck her. The girl was a babe with brains and- Oh my God my type is attractive and intelligent. She licked her lips at Jade. I have good taste clearly.

"Aaaaand this is all stemming from you wanting to get in her pants isn't it?" Jade said fondly. Yeah she was in a pretty good mood. Jesy left the session seeming more optimistic and open minded to treatment. Jesy hates treatment from psychologists. This was great. Nicole suspected Jesy of having Depression and was sending Jesy to the hospital for some blood tests and screenings on Tuesday to properly diagnose her and to provide medication. Jade felt more secure knowing that her sister was getting help.

Perrie blew a raspberry as the sisters started to laugh. "I would totally have used my charms to get her to like me if she hadn't said that she was in a committed relationship with a f*cking brain surgeon for f*cking five years now. Why are beautiful, intelligent women attracted to each other anyway???"

The sisters continued laughing. "Because intelligence attracts I guess?" Jesy shrugged. She looked into her empty cup of chocolate ice cream and made a noise of thought. "Mmm I'd said that she wasn't as hypocritical but you're right Perrie. She wasn't hypocritical at all and she was pretty cool."

Perrie winked. "I knew she'd be great for you. Why did you think I'd picked her out?" She was smirking.

"You act like you know anything about proper psychologist. It all happened by chance that you actually got a good one." Jade teased.

Perrie's mouth hung.

"No she actually did good." Jesy rubbed Perrie's back. "Thanks champ." She kissed the girl's cheek.

Perrie felt warm where Jesy's lips had been. "No problem. I'd do anything for my big sister." She hugged Jesy then sent boastful eyes to Jade. "You don't deserve Jesy-Wesy."

Jade saw that Jesy was enjoying this. "I know I'll always be number one in her heart."

The two stayed holding each other longer, humming in satisfaction with closed eyes, purring even.

And now Jade's eye twitched. "That's enough!"

They released each other and laughed. It was sometimes fun to just get on Jade's nerves. "Pickle was jealous." Jesy said with a smile.

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