Déjà Vu

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“Woah! Slow down Bey! You’re eating like this is your last meal!” Cori said, well more yelled.

“It’s just so good! And I was starving!” Bey said as she started eating another piece of bread.

“Slow down! You’re gonna hurt yourself.” Cori said.

“Fine, fine, I’ll slow down.”

“How much did you eat today?” Cori asked her.

“Not much. Just breakfast.” Bey said.

“Yea right!” Cori said giving Bey a knowing look.

“And a couple cookies and a few slices of pizza.”

“And a big ass pretzel and like three pickles and soda.” Cori added for her.

“What’s your point?” Bey asked while putting another spoon full of food in her mouth.

“You’re eating like you’re pregnant.” Cori said.

Bey almost chocked on her food. “What?”

“I said you’re eating like you’re pregnant. You’ve literally been eating all day.”

Suddenly Bey started to feel nauseous so she ran to the bathroom. Luckily she was Beyoncé and had Olive Garden shut down for a few hours. When she got to the bathroom she went in the nearest stall and everything she had eaten started coming up.

Cori came in the bathroom after Bey did. “AWHH SHIT!” Coiri said doing her little ‘turn up’ dance.

“What?” Bey asked as she stood up from her kneeling position on the floor. She flushed the toilet.

“I’m going to be a big sister!” Cori screamed.

“You’re already a big sister.” Bey said as she started walking towards the sink.

“You know what I mean.”

“Actually, I don’t.” Bey said.

“How many months are you?” Cori asked.

“I don’t know Cori. I haven’t been to the doctor yet.” She said.

Cori grabbed a few paper towels and handed them to Bey.

“And I’m assuming Jay doesn’t know.” Cori added.


“You sure are keeping a lot of things from him.”

“Excuse me?” Bey said stepping closer to Cori.

“I said ‘you sure are keeping a lot of things from him’”. Cori said.

“You’re the one who made up a lie because you didn’t want to tell Jay.”

“Well it’s your fault for listening to me. You’re the adult, I’m the child.”

“That’s right Cori. You’re the child. And because you are a child, you need to stay in a child’s place. Stay out of grown folks business.” Bey said.

“You know what” Cori said stepping closer to Bey and standing on her tippy toes so they were at eye level, “I’ve been in grown folks business since I was 8 years old.” Cori said.

Bey looked appalled.

“And it’s your fault. All this happened to me because of you. You had one job Beyoncé. One! And it was to take care of me. But of course your career was more important.” Cori said.

“Don’t talk about things you don’t understand.” Bey said.

Cori sucked her teeth.

“And you have about .5 seconds to get out my face before I punch you square in the throat.” Bey said staring Cori in her eyes.

Cori stepped back was still close to Beyoncé. “And you know what else? Marcus was the man who raped me and kidnaped me. But at least he kept food on the table and acted like he cared. All you’ve done for me is—.”

“Brought you into my house. I didn’t have to do it Cori! I didn’t even have to walk over there and try to save you from getting your ass beat by a grown man at the skating ring! I could have easily ignored you. Easily! I’ve given you my clothes, my food, my shoes, my money, and my air. You’ve even been in my Studio which is considered “Holy Ground” to me. And I’m letting you stay in a guest room the size of THIS FUCKING RESTURANT CORI!”

Cori never knew her ‘Queen’ could be so scary. Cori didn’t even notice that while Bey was talking they were walking and Bey had her corned. Bey continued to yell at Cori while getting closer and closer to her face. It was scaring the crap of Cori. So much that her breathing had picked up and became louder. “Stop!” Cori screamed at Bey. Bey continued yelling at her and Cori pushed her back. Bey slapped her across the face and Cori fell to the floor. Bey started beating the shit out of her on the bathroom floor.

“Cori. Cori!” Bey yelled at her. “Cori!” Bey yelled again.

Cori looked up at her.

“Are you okay? I’ve called your name like five times.”


“It’s fine. Can you hand me some paper towels please?” Bey asked her.

Cori nodded her head and reached for the paper towels. She grabbed a couple and slowly started walking back towards Bey. Bey put her hand out Cori flinched. Bey put her arm down. “Are you okay Cori?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Cori said placing the paper towels next to Bey.

“Are you sure? Because you just flinched and I haven’t laid a finger on you since you’ve been here.” Bey said wiping her mouth.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“If you say so. But you didn’t answer my question.” Bey said.

“What was the question?”

“I asked you if you’re excited to be a big sister again.”

“Oh, yeah! I’m pretty excited.” Cori said. “And I’m assuming Jay doesn’t know.” She added.


Cori had Déjà vu. “Didn’t this just happen?” Cori asked herself. She remembered all that happened in the last ten minutes…or at least what she thought had happened. She thought about what she should say.

“Well when you’re ready to tell him, I have your back.”

Bey smiled at her and threw her paper towels in the trash. She was about to walk out of the bathroom but Cori stopped her.

“Yes?” Bey asked turning around to face Cori. Cori didn’t say anything, she just hugged Beyoncé, her mom. “Thank you for saving me from Marcus and letting my stay in a guest room the size of this restaurant. Thank you for letting my stay in your home even though you didn’t know who I was at the time. Thank you for letting me wear your shoes and clothes, thank you for giving me food and spending your money on me. I know you didn’t have to do any of it and I appreciate it.” Cori said still holding onto Beyoncé.

“It was no problem at all Cori, and I’m glad I did. Now I get to raise two beautiful girls and whatever is growing inside of me.” Bey said. “But you’re holding on kind of tight so you need to let me go.” Bey said giggling a bit.

“Sorry.” Cori said as she released Bey.

“Don’t be. You ready to go?”

“Go where?”

“Back home silly.” Bey said.


“Go ahead and go the van. Julius should be outside waiting. If not just come back in. I’ll be out in a second.”

“Yes, mam.”

Bey cleared her throat.

“Sorry. I meant Mom.” With that, Cori walked out of the bathroom.

“You hear that baby!?” Bey said while looking down at her stomach and rubbing it. “Your big sister Cori called me mom for the first time.” She pulled her shirt back down over her stomach and walked out of the bathroom. On the way to the car she grabbed her purse and laid a $100 dollar bill on the table before she got back in the car. 

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