Like Mother Like Daughter

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Kelly POV

I sighed and stood up and I walked to D. I sat down next to him. “Hey Mrs. Kelly.” He said.

I’m not in the mood to play with this little boy. “If you ever put your hands on her in that way again I will I will make your death look like an accident. Stop hitting in her.” I said.

“I didn’t hit her.” He said lying to my face.

“Do I need to get Jay involved?” I asked.

“No mam.”

“Touch her again and see what happens.”

“Yes mam.” He said clenching his jaw.

I walked away and went back to my spot on the couch.


Cori POV

I can’t believe its only day 1 of being in this yacht. And we still have over a week and a half left. I sighed to myself.

“Alright!” If you’re under aged go to your room and go to sleep!” My dad said.

The adults clapped and backed him up. “Why do we have to go to sleep? It’s only 11.” I said folding my arms.

“Yeah! Come on Mr. Carter! We’re almost adults.” Danni said.

“Nope. Everyone under the age of 18 go to bed.” He said.

I sucked my teeth and stood up. “Fine.”

 Danielle and I were in my room and Blue had her own across the hall. D was sleeping in the guest room across next to Blue’s and I don’t know where everyone else was sleeping. This yacht is freaking big, may as well be a cruise ship.

After I took my shower I went to check on Blue and she wasn’t in her room. I went to D’s room and they were both in there. They were on the couch watching Finding Nemo. “Bed time Blueberry.” I said.

“It’s almost over.” She said.

I looked at the TV and it was at the part when the dad was telling all the fish to swim down. I sighed. “Alright. Danielle and I are going back up with the adults. Come up when y’all are done so we can say goodnight.” I said.

Gosh I’m turning into my mother.


“Cori, what you doing up here?” My dad asked.

“Relax. We just came to say goodnight.” I said sitting down. We were all on the sky deck.

“Are you gonna say goodnight?” Michelle asked.

“Yes. But I’m waiting on Blue and Dallas. They’re watching Finding Nemo and it’s almost over.” I said.

“Alright.” My dad said. They went back to doing whatever they were doing and Danni and I were just chilling when I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Wassup munchkin?” I said picking up Blue and putting her in my lap. Dallas walked to the other side and sat down by himself just looking at the ocean.

“Nothing.” She said shifting her eyes. No, something is wrong. I shift me eyes when something is going on with me, and so does my mom. “What’s wrong? You can tell me anything.” I said turning her around so she was facing me.

“I can’t tell you. D told me it was a secret.” She said.

“We don’t keep secrets. We’re a family.” I said.

She sighed and looked down playing with her fingers. Something that she never does. “Tell me.” I said.

She sighed and whispered it into my ear. “HE DID WHAT!?” I yelled standing up. “Cori, it’s a secret. You can’t tell anyone!” Blue said.

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