First Day (Part 2)

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Cori POV

As we were walking towards the school you could see and hear people talking and pointing to me and my mom.

They were saying stuff like:

-          “That’s Beyoncé and her daughter.”

-          “What was her name again?”

-          “Look at her ass.”

-          “She’s pretty.”

-          “I wonder if she sucks dick.”

-          “She looks like a slut, like mother like daughter.”

When I heard the last one I whipped my head around to say something but my mom stopped me, she told me to ignore them. I tried my best to. Some tall guy held the door open for us while we were entering the school.

“Thank you.” My mom said.

He nodded and left.

We walked a couple more feet, well she walked, I technically wasn’t walking because I had crutches, but anyway, we walked a couple more feet and into this office. I’m assuming this is the principal.

“Hello Mrs. Carter, why don’t the both of you take a seat?” He said. My mom held out her hand for my crutches and leaned them against the door. I sat down then she walked back over and did the same.

“Welcome to your first day of school Cori.” He reached out his hand and I shook it. “I’m Principal Jones, nice to meet you.” He let go of my hand, he did the same to my mom.

“So Mrs. Carter, Cori will be taking these classes,” he handed her a sheet of paper with my classes on it and he also gave me one. They were talking about something but I wasn’t really listening. I was looking over my schedule. English III, Pre-Cal, Physics, Theology III, Spanish III, Self-Training and two free blocks. Blocks? I went by periods at my old school. I interrupted them. “Umm, what are blocks?” I asked.

“They are the same thing a periods. We have Purple Day, Red Day and Blue Day. Monday’s are purple days and that means you go to all of your classes for 45 minutes; Tuesday and Thursdays are red days- you will go to English III, Pre-Cal, Physics and Theology III; and blue days are Wednesdays and Fridays- you will go to Spanish III and Self-Training. Free blocks mean you can do whatever you would like for the rest of the day. You can even leave campus if you’d like.” Principal Jones said.

“So how long are the classes if we get out of school at three?”

“1 hour and thirty minutes long.”

“That’s a long time to be in one class.” I said.

“She’ll be fine.” My mom said cutting in.

“Any other questions?” He asked.

“What is self-training?” I asked.

“It’s where you work out for an hour and a half alone. It can be outside on the track or inside the gym, inside of the weight room, it doesn’t matter as long as you are being active.” He said.

“So, obviously her leg is broken, what do you want her to do?” my mom asked.

“Until she has fully recovered she won’t be doing anything for Self-Training. She can go home if she likes, it won’t start counting as a grade until she is able to do actual activity.” He answered.

The bell rung.

“Well, I think it’s time for you to go to your first class.” He said.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I said standing up. My mom walked over to get my crutches and brought them back to me.

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