First Day (Part 1)

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“Cori, wake up princess, you have school.” Jay said shaking her.

She moaned something and turned over; jay couldn’t make out what she was saying. “Get up. It’s 6. You have to be at school by 7:15. Get up.” He said again pulling the cover off of her.

“No. My leg still hurts.” She said.

“I know, but get up before your mother comes in here and makes your ass hurt too.” Jay said. She didn’t move, she just kept laying there. Jay sighed and left the room. A few minutes later Bey came in the room. “Cori, wake your ass up.” Bey said. Cori’s eyes were still closed so she couldn’t see that Bey had a bucket of ice water.

“No. I don’t want to go to school.” Cori said still laying down. “And my leg hurts.”

“I know baby. Your medicine is down stairs along with your breakfast.”

“Mom.” Cori whined.

“Cori, don’t make me tell you to get up again.”

She didn’t move.

“Okay.” Bey said. She swung the bucket of ice cold water on Cori and Cori umped.

“Mom! What the fu—” She cut herself off and sighed.

“Nice save. Come on limpy, get your ass down them stairs.” Bey said.

Cori rolled her eyes. “Can I at least get dressed first?” she asked.

“Sure. Do you need any help?” Bey asked.

“Nah, I got it.”

“Alright. Be down in 30 minutes baby.” Bey said as she grabbed the bucket. “Oh yeah, and take the sheets of the bed so I can wash them I don’t want them the get mildewed.” She said walking out of the room.

Cori smirked back and closed her door.


“Did you get her up?” Jay asked.

Bey smiled and showed Jay the bucket.

“Wow.” He said. “How do you think her first day is gonna be?” Jay added.

“Umm, I honestly don’t know. I just don’t want people all up in her face asking her personal questions and shit.”

“Well, I can tell you that people are going to ask her question no matter what. But she can take care of it herself.”

“I just want her to have a normal life Jay.”

“For now, this is as close as she’s going to get to it.” Jay said.

About 15 minutes later Cori came limping down the stairs holding onto the rail with one hand and her crutches in another. She got tired and sat down on the stairs. “Dad!” she screamed.

“Yeah?” Jay said as he was walking to the stairs from the kitchen.

“Can you help me?”

Jay nodded and walked halfway up the stairs where Cori was; he took the crutches from her and placed them by the door. He walked back up the stairs and picked her up. He carried her into the kitchen and put her in on the island. Bey looked up from whatever she was doing. “Cori, get your ass off my counter.” She said.

Cori sucked her teeth and jumped down on the leg that wasn’t broken. Bey put a plate of food in front of her. Cori just looked at it.

“You gone eat?” Jay asked her.

“Who made it?” Cori asked.

“I did.” Bey said.

“Umm.” Cori said poking it.

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