Merry Christmas

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Cori POV

Christmas Morning. I woke up around 8ish and as usual, I went to check on Blue. She was still sound asleep in her bed. I left out of her room and went to check on my mom. To my surprise I saw her cuddled up with my dad. I didn’t even know he was allowed to be on this side of the house. Don’t get me wrong, I love having my dad here, it’s just shocking. It’s been a little over three weeks so I’ve formed my own schedule.

“Merry Christmas Princess.” My dad said. I jumped because I thought he was sleeping.

“My bad, I wasn’t trying to scare you.” He said sitting up.

“It’s fine. And Merry Christmas dad.”

“What are you doing up this early?” He asked me.

“Doing what I usually do, taking care of my family.” I said with a slight attitude. “What are you doing up so early?” I asked him.

“Going back to the hospital to check on our new family.” He said.

“Our?” I asked confused. I’m not related to Chantel. She’s not family.

“Yes, OUR family.”

“You got her pregnant, not me. That’s YOUR family, not mine.” I said matter-of-factly.

“You are my daughter, I got a chick pregnant, she had my daughter, you and Amber share the same blood, she is your half-sister, she is family.” He said.

“No. That’s your mistress and your daughter. Having the same blood as someone means absolutely nothing. DNA doesn’t make a family. Love does.”

“I’ll be back in a little bit.” He said giving me a look.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my mom shaking her gently. “Ma. Daddy just left. He said he’ll be back in a little bit.” I said still shaking her.

She swatted my hand and made a noise before rolling over and going back to sleep. “It’s Christmas!” I said trying to get her up. She didn’t move. We’ll on the bright side at least she actually got to sleep.

I called Danielle and asked her to come over. When she got here we decided to make breakfast for everyone.



Cori has a mouth just like her mother. There are no grey areas with them, just white and black.

When I reached Chantel’s hospital room I slowly opened the door. “Hey, Merry Christmas.” I said walking in.

“Merry Christmas to you too.” She said.

“Where’s our baby?” I asked.

“The nurse just went to get her actually.” She said.

“Well that’s good, cause we need to talk.

“Go for it.”

“Well, uh, is Amber going to stay with you or me?”

“Why would she stay with you? Do you not want your marriage to work? You must want a divorce.” She said.

“Bey wouldn’t mind. Look at how nice she’s been to you, and how well she handled this situation.” I said.

“That was her being a woman. She could’ve acted a fool, she could’ve divorced you, she could’ve done a lot of things, but she didn’t. Of course she minds! You think she wasn’t to wake up every morning and see a baby that’s not hers? You think she wants to keep our baby in her house? No. Amber is staying with me, you can come see her on the weekends though.” She said.

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